Sackett's Tavern 2011

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Sackett's Tavern 2011

Alternative Title

Washington Tavern


John Sackett's tavern was called Washington's Tavern for a while during the 19th century under the idea that Gen. Washington had visited there.


"Western Massachusetts History: Woronoco, The Present Westfield" pages 2 and 3
..the first house in Westfield was built by John Sackett, a descendant of Simon Sackett who came to America in 1630 on the ship Lyon, ten years after the Mayflower. John Sackett, with Walter Lee and John Sexton, were the earliest settlers. Sackett had a house here before February, 1667. The house was probably a pioneer cabin and cellar, dug into hill and bank, boarded up and thatched over. It was located just east of the site of the old Springdale Paper Mill.
In October, 1675, the Indians burned Sackett's house, as well as three others. Sackett and his wife had been blessed with three children while living on this site; Mary, born in 1672; Samuel, born in 1674; and Elizabeth, born in 1676. Their other children were born in Springfield and two in Northampton. Sackett rebuilt his house right away after the burning, and it is not known whether Elizabeth was born in the rebuilt house or in a log house her father built a short time later on five acres of land at the end of what is now Western Avenue. The land for the new house had been taken by Sackett in trade for an equal amount of land at the site of his rebuilt home, which had been located in rather boggy meadow land. The well Sackett dug for his log house could be seen as late as 1961, when the area was graded and the well covered over. The log house stood just west of the Sackett Tavern which property today is owned by Mr. and Mrs. William A. Fuller.
The records show that Elizabeth Sackett died on June 15, 1682, but long research proves this was false. Elizabeth was actually captured by Indians during a raid, other members of the family managing to get safely into the log house. Rev. E. Davis, in a history of this area, mentions the fact that the Indians captured a daughter of John Sackett and took her to northern New York. Here she was raised as an Indian. Later, around 1710, Elizabeth visited Westfield with her Indian husband and son and daughter. As they were not used to living in a log house, they built a teepee where they lived while in Westfield. They eventually left and Elizabeth never returned, but her son grew up to be an Indian Chief and took his mother's name of Sackett. In later years Chief Sackett was well known around the area for his raids and he is mentioned by J.G. Holland in his History of Western Massachusetts as having attacked a detachment of soldiers near Heath, Massachusetts in 1748.


Sackett, John

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Westfield Athenaeum
6 Elm St
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Elm Street Westfield, MA 01085.

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Westfield Athenaeum, 6 Elm Street, Westfield, MA 01085

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5 x 7


Sackett Tavern 2011.jpg



Sackett, John, “Sackett's Tavern 2011,” Edwin Online, accessed March 8, 2025,

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