Rev. Atwater's 1787 Diary p.1-10

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Rev. Atwater's 1787 Diary p.1-10


Collection of personal and natural notes written in correspondence to month.

Absence days 1 2/3 + 8 2/3 + 1 2/3 + 1 2/3 + 8 2/3 + 12 2/3 + 15 2/3+ 1 2/3 + 4 2/3 + 1 2/3 + 2/3 + 1 2/3 + 9 2/3 + 8 2/3 + 2 2/3 + 1 2/3 + 2 2/3 + 2 2/3 + 1 2/3 + 2 + 5 2/3 + 2 2/3 Coes. Absent days 1 2/3 + 4

January 1787
-- D. of Mr. Samuel Fowler piece of fresh meat
-- D. of Maj. Whitney piece fresh meat
2 Was this day for getting wood. Heed brought 40 or 41 good loads.
4 Preached Sacramental Lecture
4 The thaw was so great that the two rivers nearly broke up. -- Rained -- 0,2
5 Took the Northampton paper. Paid 1/8.
5 Cleared away away after the clouds & foggy morn?
10 The Association met at Mr. Griswold’s I preached the Lecture.
11 D of Mr. Clap piece fresh meat.
9 At Snow 4 Inches.
-- D. Of Mr. Aaron King piece of fresh meat
13 Dr. Whitney took Mr. Roots cow to keep
16 Settled with Capt. Cooley & received in addition to what I received Nov. 21.1786 .3:13:6 7 bushels of corn carried to Mr. Samuel Fowler = 16/4. 4 bushels of wheat paid to him at = 17/4.J 1:3:6 in cash. The whole added to 3:9:0 received before ?--? To 7:2:0 p for instruction of his Son twenty weeks and two days, --15/10 worth of corn to be received of Mr. John Phelps is included in the above Sum received.
17 Sold my Mare to Capt. Williams for. 12£.
18 The men went to Springfield.
18 A squall of snow 1 Inch.
20 Snowed. Snow l& hailed.-- 4 1/2 Inches.
21 Rained 0,3 of an inch.
22 Snowed 1 1/2 Inch.
23 Hailed 1 Inch
24 Rained 0,1 of an Inch. D of Mr. S Stiles piece of fresh meat
25 Four men were killed at Springfield
26 Hailed 0,1. Rained 0,1 of an inch. D. Of Col. Mosley Sparrib.--Piece fresh meat of Mr. Silas King
-- D. of Mr. Z. Bush piece of fresh meat
29 Snowed 1 ½ Inch.

February 1787
1 Killed Hogs 1 weighed 236 the other 218
1 Snowed 2 Inches
3 Snowed 1½ Inch. 4. Extreme cold.
5 Set out for N. Haven and went to Mr. Robinson's very cold.
6 Went to N. Haven. Slept at the Presidents.
7 Went to Cheshire. And took my Sister Dolly
8 Went to Windsor. Snowed 6 Inches.
9 Arrived at Westfield. 10. Very cold at night.
11 Snowed ½ Inch. -- Then rained 1¼ Inch.
13 Set out for Deerfield. Went to Deerfield.
14 Preached the Sermon of Ordination of Mr. Taylor T Deerfield 1 Cor. 9.16.-- Snowed 2 Inches then rained ¾ Inch.
15 Returned to Northampton. Pleasant. High wind at night.
16 Returned home
18 At night Sister Dolly set out on her return home
19 At night rained 0,6 of an Inch.
-- D. of Mr. Z. Martindale piece of fresh meat
19 -- D. of Mr. John Phelps piece of fresh meat
-- D. of Dr. Mather piece of fresh meat
23 Went to Mr. Lathrop’s
24 Attended funeral on the farms & preached a Sermon
26 Took home cow from Dr. Whitney's
27 Went to Chester. Snowed 5 Inches.
28 Preached at Chester the circular Lecture.
29 Returned home. The next Lecture to be at Northampton June 2nd Tuesday in June.
The winter was not very cold but ready winter weath. Got Sleighing the whole of it.

March 1787
1 Returned home & preached Sacramental Lecture. -- Mr. Wm. Sackett took cow to keep
-- D. of Mr. Simeon Sales piece of fresh meat
-- D. of Mr. John Phelps piece of fresh meat
3 Snowed 10 Inches
5 Snowed 3 Inches
6 Went to Springfield with Mrs. Atwater
7 Returned home. Snowed 1 Inch
9 Snowed 2 Inches and at night rained one Inch.
10 & 11 & 12 Thawed much
13 Very warm. S. Wind rained 0,35 of an Inch
12 Blue birds _ came
13 Robins & blackbirds came
-- D. of Mr. Aaron King piece of fresh meat
14 Connecticut River broke up it's ice which had continued all winter
14 The river cleared of Ice at Weller's Mills
18 Exchanged with Mr. Lathrop
19 Very warm. Bees began to work. Ground generally bare.
18 At night rained 0,2 of an Inch
22 State fast.
23 In the morning rained 0,3 of an Inch
21 Let Mr. Fowler have two bushels of wheat at 4 and received for it 15 lb. sugar
23 Red cow calf calves
27 Went to Chicopee to a Council
27 Brown cow calved
29 Returned home
-- D. of Col. Moseley piece of fresh meat
-- D. of Mr. Zebinah Bush p. of fresh meat
30 D. of General Parks Sparerib
-- D of Capt. Bush piece of fresh meat
-- D of Lieu. Moseley piece of fresh meat
-- D of Mr. Daniel Fowler piece of fresh meat
31 Paid to Mr. Tinker 3 16/48 bushels of wheat for cloth & trimmings for pair of breeches taken 26 Inst.

April 1787
2 Went to Boston
3 Went to Norwich & returned to Lebanon branch
4 Went to New Cambridge
5 Went to Northbury, & from there Southwick
6 Returned home
-- D of Mr. John Phelps piece sausages
7 Paid Mr. Hoadly in full for the cow which I let to h he bought for me & took for three years The price was 80/. -- 40/ in cash paid before.
7 Took home cow corm Mr. Wm. Sacket's.
8 At night rained 0,1 of an Inch.-- Martin birds came
9 Went to Glasgow to a marriage.
10 The ground? Men came & cut wood about 25
2, 11, & 12 Plowed then Lot for corn & gardens.
12 Made Matheglin. -- 10 lb. of honey & 2 lb. of comb besides to be divided
12 Rained at night 0,10 of an Inch
-- Solomon Lee took 3 hens & a cock & engaged to return the same number at the middle of February 1788
-- D of Dr. Mather piece - fresh meat
-- D of Capt. Bush piece of fresh meat
-- D of Mr. John Phelps piece of fresh meat
14 Carted 10 loads of Potash, ashes on ground for planting
18 Finished cutting & piling Wood
18 Went to Mr. Gray's, attended Association. Mr. Howard preached.
19 Returned home.
25 At night rained 0,75 of an Inch
24 Went to Mr. Judds Southampton
-- D of Mr. Wm. Sackett piece fresh meat
-- D of Mr. Samuel Fowler p. fresh meat
29 Exchanged with Mr. Gay.
30 Planted cornet Corn
30 Returned marriages to the Town Clerk
30 Went to Mr. Lathrop's. Mended attended the funeral of his son.
30 Shower of rain 0,25 of an Inch
25 or 26 Atwater came to school
A very dry month till the 25th. The water pond at water in the street dozed? away.

May 1787
1 Mr. Hoadly brought cow from Mr. Lee's and took a cow to summer.
1 A hard thunderstorm about Sun rise rained together with one or two more sho small showers before night 0,85 of an Inch. Silas Bush's house raised.
2 Preached Sacramental Lecture.
3 Sowed carrots in the East & middle garden.
4 Sowed the carrots beyond in the north garden, beyond the barn.
5 Planted the garden with various feeds.
8 Fowler came to School
8 Sowed flax seed
6 At night. Rained 0,2 of an Inch.
7 Fedi Vitalum Dominae Fowler
9 Went to Hartford
10 Dr. Goodrich preached Election Sermon. Rained.
11 Returned home
10,11,12,13 Rained 1,5
14 Went to Feeding Hills & attended a funeral at Mr. Griswold's.
-- D of Mr. Martindale Shad
20 Rained two showers one at 2 o'clock, and one hard one at 6 o'clock P.M. Some thunder 0,80 of Inch
22 Went to Northampton visited prisoners and were went to Granby to a Council.
23 Went to ordination at Wilbraham & returned home
24 Rained
24 & 25 Rained 1¾ Inch
-- D of Mr. Z. Bush piece of fresh meat
26 In the morning a frost that killed garden things.
27 A frost
28 A frost
29 A frost
30 Rained 1/ 1½ Inch
A cool month. Appletrees in bloom about the 10 or 12. But few bloay.

June 1787 [missing numbers]
Hoed corn. Rained two showers
Sowed buckwheat & clover it.
Rained 0,1 of an Inch.
Fowler left the school
D of Mr. John Mr. Joseph Parker piece of fresh meat
D of Lieut. Moseley piece of fresh meat
Rained A.M. 0,40 -- on P.M. two showers^ thunder^ 0,75.
A contribution for the relief of families at Boston who lost ?--? child in ?--? by fire.
A thunder shower rained 0,1 - at night 0,2
Went to Circular lecture Northampton. Mr. Hale preached. Next is to be 2nd Tuesday October.
-- D of Dr.? Mather piece of fresh meat
Returned home. Corn hoed 2nd time.
-- D of Dr. Mather piece of fresh meat
-- Bought a hog of Mack Noble weighed 99 lb.
Two thunder Showers rained 1,33 of an Inch.
20 & 21 Plowed a 2nd time buckwheat ground.
Had a Swarm of bees No. 10 which returned
Had another Swarm No. 6 which weighed 9½ lb. three boxes & the board weighed 21½ lb. equal to 31lb. which was put at No. 5.
21 No. 12 swarmed which weighed 5lb. three boxes & a the board weigh 21¼ lb. The whole 26¼ lb. .moved No. 3
22 Went to Mr. Lathrop's & carried Billie who had , c hooping cough
25 Rained in the morning 0,75 of an Inch
22 Colv Clover mowed on the tobacco ground.
25 P.M. a violent west wind
26 Clover got in
27 Had a public lecture & a church conference
28 Bees No. 10 swarmed & after they were hives either flew away or returned
29 The same hive swarmed
-- D of Mr. Samuel Fowler piece of fresh meat
-- D of Mr. J. Morse piece of fresh meat
Catechized the children this month & had between 50 & 60.


Diary kept by Noah Atwater in the pages of an Almanack, topics include weather, trade, ministry, and life.


Atwater, Noah


Westfield Athenaeum Archives, Atwater Collection



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Atwater's 1787 Diary p.11 - 22


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AP 1.2, "Atwater, Noah Rev - 1787 Diary"

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Title; Courtesy of the Westfield Athenaeum 6 Elm Street Westfield, MA 01085.


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Atwater, Noah, “Rev. Atwater's 1787 Diary p.1-10,” Edwin Online, accessed February 23, 2025,

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