Rev. Atwater's 1782 Diary p.11-20
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Rev. Atwater's 1782 Diary p.11-20
Collection of personal and natural notes written in correspondence to month.
August 1782
2 A plentiful Rain. It rained the greater part of the day.
3 Mrs. Walker returned went into my House.
4 Ashman returned to School after an Absence of four weeks.
5 Vislavi Erlu &c
6 Preached a Lecture at the House of adj. King who was sick & had been sick a long time.
11 Examined the 6th chapter of Matthew part in AM the remainder PM.
11 Very dry.
19 Refreshing Rain.
21 Catechized the Children
30 A small frost.
A very cold month. One week hot day & nights (eve), from 17th to 24th the rest of the month cold enough for fire in the mornings. The mercury seldom at noon above 50/80 deg. Three Infants died with hooping cough this month.
A very cold Summer, & frequent seasons of dry weather. A competent Harvest. A small frost.
September 1782
Mrs. Clap who died Sept. 15 was wife of Ezra Clap- he died Oct 25th 1768 [in pencil]
4 Very hot 93 deg. Vislavi
A remarkable Meteor appeared a little after 10 o'clock. in the evening.
5 Very hot 94 deg. Very dry.
9 Set out from Westfield to New Haven.
10 Arrived at New Haven
11 A little rain in the Morning. A public Commencement & a good one.
13,14,15,& 16 Hard frosts which killed the. Corn _ _ water was frozen at Westfield.
17 Returned to Westfield. Mr. Clap buried
18 Had in possession ten Pounds five shillings in Money
26 Visited the houses over little River.
27 Visited the houses on the farms nigh Southampton
A remarkable dry month, & remarkably cold the greater part of it.
October 1782
1 A small refreshing shower of rain.
2 Went to Ordination Mr. Parsons ordained at Amherst.
3 Visitain 5 to a light from 18 to & nigh Arctuvus ^ North of
4 Returned to Westfield. Adguluat King died. 28 years old.
6 Mr. Ballantine preached for me. Adgulat King buried.
7 Cloudy - cleared Home lot & began to pasture it.
8 Rained in the morning & PM.
12 Visited beyond Capt. Grays
11 A refreshing rain Seuriely any rain on sed-coast till this week since last May.
14 Warm. S. Wind. Crossed out
15 Cold windy. Very cold night frozen Apples. Visited Merrfield road.
16 Visited on the plain towards the mountains.
17 A rainy day. Much rain- N. E. Storm.- - Snow over shoes at Glasgow.
18 Raining. The whole of the rain in the two days was in-depth about two inches.
21 22. Warm. Smokey
23 Went to South Hadley to Ordination of Mr. Hayes cold at night.
24 To N. H.
25 Returned home. Pleasant
26 Rainy day. Considerable rain.
27 Explained 8th chapter of Matthew.
About this time Jupiter appeared to be in conjunction with Saturn about under it.
29 Rainy.
30 Rainy. Council met at Infield to ordain Mr. Prudden but adjourned.
31 Rainy & Snowy. The distant mountain white. Married Justice Loomis: Preach preached an evening Lecture at it.
A very cold Month till about the 20th . The remainder as warm as usual.
Willis Paper No. 761 Oct. 3, 1782
The following Question was proposed.
A tree standing on a declivity was broken partly off & bent down, its top striking the Earth, at a distance of ninety feet from its root. Now having the horizontal line from the intersection of the part bent down. 40, and the length of the tree 120 feet, Quere the height of the stump & the declivity of the hill. E. D.
November 1782
3 Mr. Avery of Bennington preached for me.
5 Very cold. clear Preached a Lecture at Capt. Grays from Heb. 10 ult.
6 Rainy. A very hard rain towards night. Preached a lecture at Mr. Doolittle’s from Matt. 5.17
7 Pleasant. in the At night a hard thunder storm. much thunder & lightening.
8 Cloudy. cold. My Brother came to Westfield. The last of my Cider was made, all that I put up.
10 My Brother preached for me. The third Sabbath after he began to appear in public.
11 My brother went out of Town. A Small Snow in the morning.
12 Alhmen went home. Vacation at College ended after it was lengthened 3 weeks for ??? Building of a Dinning Room. Wood house moved. A transit of Mercury across the Sun.
13 Very cold. Mercury 12 deg. above (0). Snowed & rained before night S.W. Went to N. Hamp
14 Preached a Lecture at Mr. Rogers’ Romans 7.3
19 At night a plentiful rain. River high next day at night.
20 Finished my yearly visitation, & found the number of families to be 291
22 Preached a Lecture at Deacon Williams from Job 23. 8,9,10
20 Mr. Prudden ordained at Infield.
28 Very Cold. Continental Thanksgiving.
29 Very Cold. Mercury at 9 deg. above (0).
30 A cold day, clear.
31 Very pleasant . Smokey.
Considerable rain this month, the springs as high as usual at the close of it. The former part of it cold. Some pleasant weather afterwards. But little Snow.
One the 12th of November there will be a transit of Mercury over the dis of the Sun. By a calculation from De Sa Landers tables we can expect the Phenomena at Cambridge will be as follows. App. Time
D h m S
Last internal contact Nov 12. 10 4 --- 54
Last internal contact ___ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ 11 : 51
Middle of the transit ___ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ 48 : 34
Last of the internal contact __ __ _ _ _ __ 11: 25 : 17
Last of the external contact ___ __ __ _ _ _ 32 : 14
Duration of the transit ___ __ __ _ _ _ __ 1 : 27 : 20
Time of Mercury passing __ _
the Sun's Limb J. S.__ _ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 6 : 57
By Professor Williams
December 1782
1 Exchanged with Mr. Griswold & preached at Glasgow. crossed out. Pleasant .rained at night 1 Mr. Lee when Lees wife died?
2 Very pleasant. warm
3 Mrs. Lee was buried and Peter Negro. warm rained before night
4 Visitavi
9 Cold, Went to my Brother’s at Northbury.
10 Put of the horse which I had from home at Seven Pounds ten shillings & purchased a Mare for fifteen pounds ten shillings
10 At night Mr. Beedle of Wethersfield killed his wife & four children & then himself.
11 At night slept at Mr. Sorre
12 Returned home. Very warm
13 Cold. Windy, clear. Mr. Walker set out for camp.
14 Very cold. 15 Very old, clear
16 Very cold M [mercury]. at two deg. above (0) in the morning & ten at noon. Cloudy all day & snowed in the evening & night over shoes. -- The ground bare till now.
17 Attended the funeral of Widow Lindley & went to Mr. Judd’s
19 Preached a Lecture at Widow Loomis from Job 5:39. In the 90 pounds which I gave to Capt. Kellogg & the Treasurers of the Town gave him.
20 Warm & thawey.
21 Rainy & foggy very warm.
22 Very warm clear. & pleasant. Snow chiefly gone.—Inelece Cotton 8/
24 Sent eight Pound L. M. to Mrs. Pitkin for to be paid to My Brother for Mare. Sent o Mr. Iven full Order &c
25 Landed. Snowed ^in the morning^ perhaps an inch before ^??
26 Rained all day. a great rain. very ? South & S.E. wind. Ice broke up river.
27 Clear warm 28 great cold.
29 Exchanged with Mr. Judd 30 went to N. Hampton. 31 Returned to Westfield.
I have assigned the depth of the rain one year with another in length mile measure if it were to stagnate on the Earth, It would be at Towley in Lancashire 42 1/2 Inches, at Upminster in Essex 19 1/4 Inches; at Zurich in Switzerland 32 1/2 Inches; at Pisa in Italy 43 1/4 Inches; at Paris in France 19 Inches; and at Lisle in Flanders 24 Inches.
August 1782
2 A plentiful Rain. It rained the greater part of the day.
3 Mrs. Walker returned went into my House.
4 Ashman returned to School after an Absence of four weeks.
5 Vislavi Erlu &c
6 Preached a Lecture at the House of adj. King who was sick & had been sick a long time.
11 Examined the 6th chapter of Matthew part in AM the remainder PM.
11 Very dry.
19 Refreshing Rain.
21 Catechized the Children
30 A small frost.
A very cold month. One week hot day & nights (eve), from 17th to 24th the rest of the month cold enough for fire in the mornings. The mercury seldom at noon above 50/80 deg. Three Infants died with hooping cough this month.
A very cold Summer, & frequent seasons of dry weather. A competent Harvest. A small frost.
September 1782
Mrs. Clap who died Sept. 15 was wife of Ezra Clap- he died Oct 25th 1768 [in pencil]
4 Very hot 93 deg. Vislavi
A remarkable Meteor appeared a little after 10 o'clock. in the evening.
5 Very hot 94 deg. Very dry.
9 Set out from Westfield to New Haven.
10 Arrived at New Haven
11 A little rain in the Morning. A public Commencement & a good one.
13,14,15,& 16 Hard frosts which killed the. Corn _ _ water was frozen at Westfield.
17 Returned to Westfield. Mr. Clap buried
18 Had in possession ten Pounds five shillings in Money
26 Visited the houses over little River.
27 Visited the houses on the farms nigh Southampton
A remarkable dry month, & remarkably cold the greater part of it.
October 1782
1 A small refreshing shower of rain.
2 Went to Ordination Mr. Parsons ordained at Amherst.
3 Visitain 5 to a light from 18 to & nigh Arctuvus ^ North of
4 Returned to Westfield. Adguluat King died. 28 years old.
6 Mr. Ballantine preached for me. Adgulat King buried.
7 Cloudy - cleared Home lot & began to pasture it.
8 Rained in the morning & PM.
12 Visited beyond Capt. Grays
11 A refreshing rain Seuriely any rain on sed-coast till this week since last May.
14 Warm. S. Wind. Crossed out
15 Cold windy. Very cold night frozen Apples. Visited Merrfield road.
16 Visited on the plain towards the mountains.
17 A rainy day. Much rain- N. E. Storm.- - Snow over shoes at Glasgow.
18 Raining. The whole of the rain in the two days was in-depth about two inches.
21 22. Warm. Smokey
23 Went to South Hadley to Ordination of Mr. Hayes cold at night.
24 To N. H.
25 Returned home. Pleasant
26 Rainy day. Considerable rain.
27 Explained 8th chapter of Matthew.
About this time Jupiter appeared to be in conjunction with Saturn about under it.
29 Rainy.
30 Rainy. Council met at Infield to ordain Mr. Prudden but adjourned.
31 Rainy & Snowy. The distant mountain white. Married Justice Loomis: Preach preached an evening Lecture at it.
A very cold Month till about the 20th . The remainder as warm as usual.
Willis Paper No. 761 Oct. 3, 1782
The following Question was proposed.
A tree standing on a declivity was broken partly off & bent down, its top striking the Earth, at a distance of ninety feet from its root. Now having the horizontal line from the intersection of the part bent down. 40, and the length of the tree 120 feet, Quere the height of the stump & the declivity of the hill. E. D.
November 1782
3 Mr. Avery of Bennington preached for me.
5 Very cold. clear Preached a Lecture at Capt. Grays from Heb. 10 ult.
6 Rainy. A very hard rain towards night. Preached a lecture at Mr. Doolittle’s from Matt. 5.17
7 Pleasant. in the At night a hard thunder storm. much thunder & lightening.
8 Cloudy. cold. My Brother came to Westfield. The last of my Cider was made, all that I put up.
10 My Brother preached for me. The third Sabbath after he began to appear in public.
11 My brother went out of Town. A Small Snow in the morning.
12 Alhmen went home. Vacation at College ended after it was lengthened 3 weeks for ??? Building of a Dinning Room. Wood house moved. A transit of Mercury across the Sun.
13 Very cold. Mercury 12 deg. above (0). Snowed & rained before night S.W. Went to N. Hamp
14 Preached a Lecture at Mr. Rogers’ Romans 7.3
19 At night a plentiful rain. River high next day at night.
20 Finished my yearly visitation, & found the number of families to be 291
22 Preached a Lecture at Deacon Williams from Job 23. 8,9,10
20 Mr. Prudden ordained at Infield.
28 Very Cold. Continental Thanksgiving.
29 Very Cold. Mercury at 9 deg. above (0).
30 A cold day, clear.
31 Very pleasant . Smokey.
Considerable rain this month, the springs as high as usual at the close of it. The former part of it cold. Some pleasant weather afterwards. But little Snow.
One the 12th of November there will be a transit of Mercury over the dis of the Sun. By a calculation from De Sa Landers tables we can expect the Phenomena at Cambridge will be as follows. App. Time
D h m S
Last internal contact Nov 12. 10 4 --- 54
Last internal contact ___ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ 11 : 51
Middle of the transit ___ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ 48 : 34
Last of the internal contact __ __ _ _ _ __ 11: 25 : 17
Last of the external contact ___ __ __ _ _ _ 32 : 14
Duration of the transit ___ __ __ _ _ _ __ 1 : 27 : 20
Time of Mercury passing __ _
the Sun's Limb J. S.__ _ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 6 : 57
By Professor Williams
December 1782
1 Exchanged with Mr. Griswold & preached at Glasgow. crossed out. Pleasant .rained at night 1 Mr. Lee when Lees wife died?
2 Very pleasant. warm
3 Mrs. Lee was buried and Peter Negro. warm rained before night
4 Visitavi
9 Cold, Went to my Brother’s at Northbury.
10 Put of the horse which I had from home at Seven Pounds ten shillings & purchased a Mare for fifteen pounds ten shillings
10 At night Mr. Beedle of Wethersfield killed his wife & four children & then himself.
11 At night slept at Mr. Sorre
12 Returned home. Very warm
13 Cold. Windy, clear. Mr. Walker set out for camp.
14 Very cold. 15 Very old, clear
16 Very cold M [mercury]. at two deg. above (0) in the morning & ten at noon. Cloudy all day & snowed in the evening & night over shoes. -- The ground bare till now.
17 Attended the funeral of Widow Lindley & went to Mr. Judd’s
19 Preached a Lecture at Widow Loomis from Job 5:39. In the 90 pounds which I gave to Capt. Kellogg & the Treasurers of the Town gave him.
20 Warm & thawey.
21 Rainy & foggy very warm.
22 Very warm clear. & pleasant. Snow chiefly gone.—Inelece Cotton 8/
24 Sent eight Pound L. M. to Mrs. Pitkin for to be paid to My Brother for Mare. Sent o Mr. Iven full Order &c
25 Landed. Snowed ^in the morning^ perhaps an inch before ^??
26 Rained all day. a great rain. very ? South & S.E. wind. Ice broke up river.
27 Clear warm 28 great cold.
29 Exchanged with Mr. Judd 30 went to N. Hampton. 31 Returned to Westfield.
I have assigned the depth of the rain one year with another in length mile measure if it were to stagnate on the Earth, It would be at Towley in Lancashire 42 1/2 Inches, at Upminster in Essex 19 1/4 Inches; at Zurich in Switzerland 32 1/2 Inches; at Pisa in Italy 43 1/4 Inches; at Paris in France 19 Inches; and at Lisle in Flanders 24 Inches.
Atwater, Noah
Westfield Athenaeum Archives, Atwater Collection
Is Part Of
Atwater's 1782 Diary p.1 - 10
Original File Size: 4 x 7 in.
300 DPI
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A.P. 1.2, "Atwater, Rev. Noah - 1782 Diary"
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Atwater, Noah, “Rev. Atwater's 1782 Diary p.11-20,” Edwin Online, accessed February 24, 2025,