Rev. Atwater's 1785 Diary p.1-10
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Rev. Atwater's 1785 Diary p.1-10
Collection of personal and natural notes written in correspondence to month.
January 1785
4 Do. Of Mr. Za. Bush piece of pork.
8 Do. Of Capt. Taylor piece of beef.
9 Exchanged with Mr. Williams
11 D. of Dr. Mather piece of pork.
11 Weighed bees No. 3 17 lb. 14 oz.
14 D. of Mr. Aaron King piece of beef and a piece of pork.
-- Wood brought.
D. of Ensign Ingersol bottle of Rum.
21 About this time the January thaw.
24 At night rained
25 At night Westfield river broke up
28 Weighed Bees No. 1 62lb. 6 oz. No. 2. 50lb. 10 oz. –- No. 3. 16lb. 10 oz.
29 D. of Mr. Daniel Fowler piece of beef
31 Bought two hives of Bees of the Widow Sea??. No 4 62lb. ¾ No. 5 72¾ lb.
February 1785
2 Great Snow.
7 Went to Southington thro Hartford.
5 To N. Haven
10 Returned, -- Brought two Hives of Bees. No. 6 49½ lb.. The Straw Hive 40¼ lb.
14 D. of Mr. Simeon Stiles piece of beef
16 Mother Lyman died.
21 She was buried.
22 Brought a Hive of Bees from Mr. Joseph Dewey’s weighed 42 lb.
24 Lecture at ???? Harrisons. At night a great snow.
26 D. of Mr. Zadock Martindale p. beef.
25 D. of Mr. Thomas Noble a Sparib
--- D. of Dr. Ashley piece of pork.
--- D. of Mr. Joseph Dewey piece of beef.
March 1785
2 Preparatory Lecture
3 Attended Lecture of Thomas Hutchons
7 Lecture at Joel Smith’s ( for???)
8 Lecture at Ichabod Lees.
-- Mr. Williams came & his attendants.
9 Lecture at Lieut. Stephen Nobles.
10 D. of Mr. Bohan Kings piece . Veal
-- D. of Mr. Able Whitney Quarter of Veal.
14 March Meeting. A very Snowy day.
16 Very cold. Solomon Noble & Lydia Sacket were married.
17 Weighed bees. No. 1. 53½ lb.
No. 2. 40 lb. --- No. 4. 55 3/. ---
No. 5 66¼ lb. --- No. 6. 55¾ lb.
The boards of No. 4, 5, 6 & 7 were a little altered since they were weighed Jan. 31, & Feb. 10
D. Of Mr. Simeon Stiles a leg of Pork
The Dewey Hived weighed 40½ lb. And the Straw Hive 36½ lb. The boards of these two also were attended since they were weighed before.
17 D. of Mr. Stiles Leg of Pork.
23 Very windy Ezekiel Tuttle killed by the falling of a tree.
21 Bush came to School. D. of Mr. Za. Martin[dale] piece pork.
23 D. of Lieut. Bush Sparib. D. Col. Moseley piece of beef.
27 Preached at Salmon Brook. Mr. Robinson preached for me.
28 Robins & blue Birds came.
29 Mr. Robinson preached a Lecture at Mr. Freemen
30 A very stormy day. – great depth of hail.
April 1785
--- D. of Mr. John Phelps piece of beef
--- D. of Mr. Za. Bush piece of Beef.
--- D. of Mr. Clap a Shad
4 Took Mr. Hoadley’s house to keep. – Fowler & Ashley came to School.
7 State Fast. People went to meeting in sleighs on the old snow.
11 Mr. Took Mr. Seth Loomis’ House to keep.
12 Went to Northampton Snow on the pine planes knee deep\
13 Circular Lecture at Northampton. Mr. Tracey preached.
14 I preached a Lecture at Southampton.
--- An awakening at that place
D. piece of beef piece of pork of Mr. Aaron King. – D. of Lieut. Moseley Sparib.
D. of Mr. Israel Mosely Apples
15 Men came & cut my wood & housed it.
--- D. of Deacon Root Piece Cheese & Butter.
16 Paid to Mr. Yeamon’s in cash fourteen Shillings for trimming Apple Trees four days & a half.—and 19th agreed to let him sow a Nursery on my land.
19 A very Snowy & haily day. 20 Snow & had over shoes.
18 Martin Birds came.
16 The fore side of the Mountains covered with Winter Snow. –no ground to seen on Mr. Moseley’s farm.
20 & 21 Pretty good Sleighing. – 22 Warm. The new snow unexpectably melted. – 21 in the morning the crust ???? hard enough to bear a man (over shoes)
--- D. of Dr. Mather piece of pork – - D. of Deacon Root piece of Pork
23 Bees began to grow yellow legs
24 But a little of the ground appeared on Mr. Moseley’s farm principally covered with Snow.
25 Paid to Mr. Barker 4/6 for in cash for mending Bee house & 2/. for Nails.
25 Weighed Bees. No. 1. 45 – No. 2. 29½ -- No. 4. 45 – No. 5. 58¼ -- No. 6. 50¼ -- Dewey Hive 31 – Straw hive 81½ .
26 Went to Springfield. Seth Loomis’s house taken away.
27 Mr. Howard ordained at Springfield.
28 Returned home.
29 Mr. Clap took 8[£]:2[S]16 of Hay ½[£]:2[S]:0 of barley A clover & rowan. D. of Mr. Moseley piece of Pork. – Sacramental Lecture.
May 1785
1 Mr. Dwight preached for me in the Afternoon.
2 Jared Hoadly took away his Horse.
3 Preached lecture at Stephen Shepherds
--- D. of Mr. John . Fowler piece of Pork. – D. of Dr. Ashley Eggs – D. of Mr. Morse piece pork.
6 Preached lecture for Mr. Forward.
7 Lieut. Dewey Sowed flax & clover seed
5 & 9 Grafted trees.
10 Weighed Bees No. 1. 42½ lb.. – No. 2. 29¾ -- No. 4. 44¾ No. 5. 56 ¾ -- No. 6. 48¾. Dewey Hive 31 2/2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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The number of the Hives now changed according to the numbers of the house. – The No. 1 is changed to No. 2—No. 2 is changed to No. 10—No. 4 is changed to No. 6 —No. 5 to No. 4 — No. 6 to No. 3 —The Dewey Hive to No. 12.
15 About this time Walker left the School.
17 Capt. Taylor gave his obligations to Capt. Kellogg One Note of 21:12 — another of 14.
— Planted Pumpkins & Potatoes &c
10 Went to Northbury.
11 Went to Hartford, & returned as far as Mr. Bognes
20 Molly came to live with us.
21 Mr. Atwater Received a cow, a present from his Brothers.
23 D. of Mr. Wm. Ashley a piece of Pork.
— D. a Shad of Mr. Enoch Loomis
25 D. of Mr. John Phelps piece of pork
D. of Col. Moseley a Pig for Roasting.
D. of Dr. Whitney piece of a calf Veal.
26 Weighed Bees, No. 10 31¾ lb — No. 12. 33 lb.
29 Preached a lecture at Ichabod Lee’s.
— D. of Mr. Martindale a Shad.
¬— D. of Mr. Bagg all the trouble of making
29 Exchanged with Mr. Howard.
28, 29 & 30 Apple tree blossoms in their Bloom.
A backward month.
A very remarkable flood in Connecticut River whe the Beginning of this month.
June 1785
1 Went on the Mountain & married Mr. Mitchel’s daughter.
2 Weighed bees No. 10. 49¼ lb — No. 12. 45 lb. — and raised No. 4. upon a Box.
7, 8, & 9 Rainy
8 Circular Lecture. Mr. Bascom preached.
— D. of Mr. Root piece of pork.
— D. of Mr. John Phelps Bottle of Rum & piece of Butter.
9 D. of Mr. Abel Whitney piece ^leg^ of Veal
— D. Lieut. Bush Salmon. —
9 Weighed bees No. 10. 51¼ lb. — No. 12. 48¼ lb. Those of the jonce they were weighed before were rainy.
12 Preached three Sermons. One at Capt. Gray’s/
6 Capt. Gray took a Cow.
6 Ingersol came to School.
14 Preached Lecture at Joseph Ballardio.
13 Bees No 6 Swarmed. & without lighting returned into the hive at No. 4 which had been nailed upon a box ten days before
17 Bees No. 10 & No. 9 Swarmed & lit together.
7 Went to Glasgow. Mrs. Bishops died. 16 & 17 very hot.
17 Weighed Bees No. 12. 53¾ lb.
19 Preached at Solomon Brook farm after the exercises in the Town. — Bees No. 4 Swarmed 7 perished in the night for want of air. — Took of the hive No. 4 from box.
20 Bees No. 12 Swarmed & the Swarm put at No. 11 weighed with two boxes & took 19 3/4lb. — D. of Mr. John Phelps 12 lb. Soap Tub
21 Preached a Lecture at Enos Stockwell’s farm.?
24 Catechized Children had A.M. 31 P.M. 44. Mr. Edwards & his Lady dined with us.
— D. of Dr. Mather fresh fish.
24 Weighed bees No. 12 & weighed more than 96 lb. a Swarm came from it jonce? It was weighed before the Swarm weighed about 91 lb.
24 Bees No. 3 Swarmed & returned part to No. 3 and part to No. 4
25 —D. of Widow Ann Moseley piece of butter & Piece of Veal.
20 D. of Capt. Tinker Quarter of Mutton.
29 Bees No. 6 Swarmed & were placed at No. 5 and they were put into 2 Boxes that weighed 15 lb. the one? Weighed 3¾ = 18¾.
29 Preparatory Lecture
29 The whole of the hone lot clover and other grains mowed by five hands.
28 Attended wedding at Mr. Martinslus
30 Mr. Moses Bags house was raised.
January 1785
4 Do. Of Mr. Za. Bush piece of pork.
8 Do. Of Capt. Taylor piece of beef.
9 Exchanged with Mr. Williams
11 D. of Dr. Mather piece of pork.
11 Weighed bees No. 3 17 lb. 14 oz.
14 D. of Mr. Aaron King piece of beef and a piece of pork.
-- Wood brought.
D. of Ensign Ingersol bottle of Rum.
21 About this time the January thaw.
24 At night rained
25 At night Westfield river broke up
28 Weighed Bees No. 1 62lb. 6 oz. No. 2. 50lb. 10 oz. –- No. 3. 16lb. 10 oz.
29 D. of Mr. Daniel Fowler piece of beef
31 Bought two hives of Bees of the Widow Sea??. No 4 62lb. ¾ No. 5 72¾ lb.
February 1785
2 Great Snow.
7 Went to Southington thro Hartford.
5 To N. Haven
10 Returned, -- Brought two Hives of Bees. No. 6 49½ lb.. The Straw Hive 40¼ lb.
14 D. of Mr. Simeon Stiles piece of beef
16 Mother Lyman died.
21 She was buried.
22 Brought a Hive of Bees from Mr. Joseph Dewey’s weighed 42 lb.
24 Lecture at ???? Harrisons. At night a great snow.
26 D. of Mr. Zadock Martindale p. beef.
25 D. of Mr. Thomas Noble a Sparib
--- D. of Dr. Ashley piece of pork.
--- D. of Mr. Joseph Dewey piece of beef.
March 1785
2 Preparatory Lecture
3 Attended Lecture of Thomas Hutchons
7 Lecture at Joel Smith’s ( for???)
8 Lecture at Ichabod Lees.
-- Mr. Williams came & his attendants.
9 Lecture at Lieut. Stephen Nobles.
10 D. of Mr. Bohan Kings piece . Veal
-- D. of Mr. Able Whitney Quarter of Veal.
14 March Meeting. A very Snowy day.
16 Very cold. Solomon Noble & Lydia Sacket were married.
17 Weighed bees. No. 1. 53½ lb.
No. 2. 40 lb. --- No. 4. 55 3/. ---
No. 5 66¼ lb. --- No. 6. 55¾ lb.
The boards of No. 4, 5, 6 & 7 were a little altered since they were weighed Jan. 31, & Feb. 10
D. Of Mr. Simeon Stiles a leg of Pork
The Dewey Hived weighed 40½ lb. And the Straw Hive 36½ lb. The boards of these two also were attended since they were weighed before.
17 D. of Mr. Stiles Leg of Pork.
23 Very windy Ezekiel Tuttle killed by the falling of a tree.
21 Bush came to School. D. of Mr. Za. Martin[dale] piece pork.
23 D. of Lieut. Bush Sparib. D. Col. Moseley piece of beef.
27 Preached at Salmon Brook. Mr. Robinson preached for me.
28 Robins & blue Birds came.
29 Mr. Robinson preached a Lecture at Mr. Freemen
30 A very stormy day. – great depth of hail.
April 1785
--- D. of Mr. John Phelps piece of beef
--- D. of Mr. Za. Bush piece of Beef.
--- D. of Mr. Clap a Shad
4 Took Mr. Hoadley’s house to keep. – Fowler & Ashley came to School.
7 State Fast. People went to meeting in sleighs on the old snow.
11 Mr. Took Mr. Seth Loomis’ House to keep.
12 Went to Northampton Snow on the pine planes knee deep\
13 Circular Lecture at Northampton. Mr. Tracey preached.
14 I preached a Lecture at Southampton.
--- An awakening at that place
D. piece of beef piece of pork of Mr. Aaron King. – D. of Lieut. Moseley Sparib.
D. of Mr. Israel Mosely Apples
15 Men came & cut my wood & housed it.
--- D. of Deacon Root Piece Cheese & Butter.
16 Paid to Mr. Yeamon’s in cash fourteen Shillings for trimming Apple Trees four days & a half.—and 19th agreed to let him sow a Nursery on my land.
19 A very Snowy & haily day. 20 Snow & had over shoes.
18 Martin Birds came.
16 The fore side of the Mountains covered with Winter Snow. –no ground to seen on Mr. Moseley’s farm.
20 & 21 Pretty good Sleighing. – 22 Warm. The new snow unexpectably melted. – 21 in the morning the crust ???? hard enough to bear a man (over shoes)
--- D. of Dr. Mather piece of pork – - D. of Deacon Root piece of Pork
23 Bees began to grow yellow legs
24 But a little of the ground appeared on Mr. Moseley’s farm principally covered with Snow.
25 Paid to Mr. Barker 4/6 for in cash for mending Bee house & 2/. for Nails.
25 Weighed Bees. No. 1. 45 – No. 2. 29½ -- No. 4. 45 – No. 5. 58¼ -- No. 6. 50¼ -- Dewey Hive 31 – Straw hive 81½ .
26 Went to Springfield. Seth Loomis’s house taken away.
27 Mr. Howard ordained at Springfield.
28 Returned home.
29 Mr. Clap took 8[£]:2[S]16 of Hay ½[£]:2[S]:0 of barley A clover & rowan. D. of Mr. Moseley piece of Pork. – Sacramental Lecture.
May 1785
1 Mr. Dwight preached for me in the Afternoon.
2 Jared Hoadly took away his Horse.
3 Preached lecture at Stephen Shepherds
--- D. of Mr. John . Fowler piece of Pork. – D. of Dr. Ashley Eggs – D. of Mr. Morse piece pork.
6 Preached lecture for Mr. Forward.
7 Lieut. Dewey Sowed flax & clover seed
5 & 9 Grafted trees.
10 Weighed Bees No. 1. 42½ lb.. – No. 2. 29¾ -- No. 4. 44¾ No. 5. 56 ¾ -- No. 6. 48¾. Dewey Hive 31 2/2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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The number of the Hives now changed according to the numbers of the house. – The No. 1 is changed to No. 2—No. 2 is changed to No. 10—No. 4 is changed to No. 6 —No. 5 to No. 4 — No. 6 to No. 3 —The Dewey Hive to No. 12.
15 About this time Walker left the School.
17 Capt. Taylor gave his obligations to Capt. Kellogg One Note of 21:12 — another of 14.
— Planted Pumpkins & Potatoes &c
10 Went to Northbury.
11 Went to Hartford, & returned as far as Mr. Bognes
20 Molly came to live with us.
21 Mr. Atwater Received a cow, a present from his Brothers.
23 D. of Mr. Wm. Ashley a piece of Pork.
— D. a Shad of Mr. Enoch Loomis
25 D. of Mr. John Phelps piece of pork
D. of Col. Moseley a Pig for Roasting.
D. of Dr. Whitney piece of a calf Veal.
26 Weighed Bees, No. 10 31¾ lb — No. 12. 33 lb.
29 Preached a lecture at Ichabod Lee’s.
— D. of Mr. Martindale a Shad.
¬— D. of Mr. Bagg all the trouble of making
29 Exchanged with Mr. Howard.
28, 29 & 30 Apple tree blossoms in their Bloom.
A backward month.
A very remarkable flood in Connecticut River whe the Beginning of this month.
June 1785
1 Went on the Mountain & married Mr. Mitchel’s daughter.
2 Weighed bees No. 10. 49¼ lb — No. 12. 45 lb. — and raised No. 4. upon a Box.
7, 8, & 9 Rainy
8 Circular Lecture. Mr. Bascom preached.
— D. of Mr. Root piece of pork.
— D. of Mr. John Phelps Bottle of Rum & piece of Butter.
9 D. of Mr. Abel Whitney piece ^leg^ of Veal
— D. Lieut. Bush Salmon. —
9 Weighed bees No. 10. 51¼ lb. — No. 12. 48¼ lb. Those of the jonce they were weighed before were rainy.
12 Preached three Sermons. One at Capt. Gray’s/
6 Capt. Gray took a Cow.
6 Ingersol came to School.
14 Preached Lecture at Joseph Ballardio.
13 Bees No 6 Swarmed. & without lighting returned into the hive at No. 4 which had been nailed upon a box ten days before
17 Bees No. 10 & No. 9 Swarmed & lit together.
7 Went to Glasgow. Mrs. Bishops died. 16 & 17 very hot.
17 Weighed Bees No. 12. 53¾ lb.
19 Preached at Solomon Brook farm after the exercises in the Town. — Bees No. 4 Swarmed 7 perished in the night for want of air. — Took of the hive No. 4 from box.
20 Bees No. 12 Swarmed & the Swarm put at No. 11 weighed with two boxes & took 19 3/4lb. — D. of Mr. John Phelps 12 lb. Soap Tub
21 Preached a Lecture at Enos Stockwell’s farm.?
24 Catechized Children had A.M. 31 P.M. 44. Mr. Edwards & his Lady dined with us.
— D. of Dr. Mather fresh fish.
24 Weighed bees No. 12 & weighed more than 96 lb. a Swarm came from it jonce? It was weighed before the Swarm weighed about 91 lb.
24 Bees No. 3 Swarmed & returned part to No. 3 and part to No. 4
25 —D. of Widow Ann Moseley piece of butter & Piece of Veal.
20 D. of Capt. Tinker Quarter of Mutton.
29 Bees No. 6 Swarmed & were placed at No. 5 and they were put into 2 Boxes that weighed 15 lb. the one? Weighed 3¾ = 18¾.
29 Preparatory Lecture
29 The whole of the hone lot clover and other grains mowed by five hands.
28 Attended wedding at Mr. Martinslus
30 Mr. Moses Bags house was raised.
Atwater, Noah
Westfield Athenaeum Archives, Atwater Collection
Is Part Of
Atwater's 1785 Diary p.11-15
Original File Size: 4.5 x 7 in.
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A.P. 1.2, "Atwater, Rev. Noah - 1785 Diary"
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Atwater, Noah, “Rev. Atwater's 1785 Diary p.1-10,” Edwin Online, accessed February 24, 2025,