Rev. Atwater's 1783 Diary p.1-10

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Rev. Atwater's 1783 Diary p.1-10


Transcribed by KMD, probably some errors. Please notify.

January 1783
5 Snowed more than over Shoes. A contribution for the inhabitants of Charlestown to build a Meeting house.
8 Went to Mr. Grays to association Mr. Gray preached the lecture. Very cold.
9 Very cold. mercury stood about 20 deg. below (0) (at noon at (0). Lieu. Moseley married and moved all day clouding up. & ? for a norm? & in the evening began to snow mercury (0) below (0). Snowed fine and dry all morning
10 Snowed all day & very fast, and all night & drifted much. a gust snow.
11 Clear & moderate.
12 Very cold mercury below (0).
13 More moderate. Rained a few little spring and the snow ?bathed.
14 Clear cold.
15 Very cold. Married Thomas Ashley & Sarah Ensign and also Jedadiah Taylor & Abigail Fowler ..?. warmer.
17 Warm . snow began to melt thaw.
18 Warm, thawed . Snow soft a little foggy and a little rainy.-- snow full of water
20 Warm South W. -- Snow greatly settled. (Peace Signed at Paris)
21 Warm A. M. cold night
22 Very cold ?is
23 Very cold morn. afterwards pleasant, cold even.
24 Pleasant.
25 Very warm. Very rainy.
27-28 ? Warm. Gentle small snows, perhaps 1/inch dry
31 Very cold
A moderate month, excepting a few days,

February 1783
1 Very cold, 9 deg. below (0).
2 Very cold & windy 12 deg below (0). Uncommon cold all day.
3 Very cold below (0)
4 Warmer. Pleasant Snowed in the night more than over Shoes.
5 Warm. Rained all ? fore noon
9 Snowed more than over Shoes. The following days thawy till the 14th.
13 Mr. Parson & his sister came into Town.
15 Warm Went Amherst.
16 Preached at Amherst. Very warm.spring like
17 Cloudy & very rainy. a great rain. S. W. Westfield river broke up. Great Bridge at the mill broke away. -- I went from Amherst to Northampton. Crossed the river on the ice.
18 Foggy & rainy.
19 Returned to Westfield & crossed the river in a boat with Dr. Mather. A great flood.
20 Clear, warm thawy. The Greater part of the snow gone.
21 Warm. clear.
22 Cloudy all day. S. E. W, warm. Hailed & sowed in the night overshoes.
23 24 & 25 Warm. Spring like.
24 Blue Birds. Black Birds & robins appeared-
26 Mr. John Ballantine & Dr. Paul Whitney chose Deacons, & took the matter into consideration.
24 John Phelps came to School.

March 1783
1 A moderate day.
2_3 4 & 5 Cold. Mercury some mornings almost down to (0)
6 & 7 Warm Smokey weather. S. W.
8 Rain day & smokey. Heavy? du?h day.
9 March weather. One Squall. Cold at night
10 Very cold. & windy, as severe as almost any day in the Winter. The mercury almost down to (0) all day. -- March Meeting. Capt. Taylor chosen Treasurer Dr. Ashley Clark. Esq. Ingersoll, Capt. Bancroft, Mr. Sam. Fowler & Mr. Bildad Fowler Junior Select Men
11 Very cold mercury about 3 deg. below (0).
12 Very cold. Went to Northampton. ^13& Married Eliphas Seral of Southampton to Lavina Moses of Westfield
13 Warmer, began to snow about Noon. and snowed till? in the night. Snows more than over Shoes.
14 Pleasant.
15 Warm.
16 Warm.
17 Warm. Smokey.
17 Mr. Catlin Missionary called upon me
18 Very rainy, Mr. S. Williams spent the day & night with me.
19 Very rainy.
20 & 21 Very cold.
22 At night Snowed about 6 inches deep. Cold till 26
26 Pleasant clear warm.
27 Pleasant. Went to Northampton
28 Very warm Spring like
29 Warm . Mr. Catlin called. Mercury above 70 deg. above (0).
30 At night a very Singular Aurora Light, I gathered to a centre a little South of the Zenith. Very high & vesl wind. The centre of the a little after 8 o’clock was upon Cancer, and between 10 & eleven it was upon Lep. There were many flakes ? fast corusichons.
3 Very warm. clear
31 Set out to go to New Haven.
The greater part of the month cold.
The Spring forward? at the close of it.

April 1783
1 Pleasant went from Chestire to New Haven. The ground well settled & the grass green. Attended prayers in the Chapel,
3 Returned to my Father's.
5 Returned 4 Returned to Mr. Robinson’s
5 To W Simsbury & exchanged with Mr. Stebbins.
7 Returned home. 8 Visited the Park.
9 Went to Association at West Suffield. Mr. Jorwand preached.
10 Marlin birds came.
11 Gave an order to J. Dewey for 7 Apple Trees 3/6.
14 Moved the Lumber house & the Wood house.
16 Visitavi (Latin)
17 Went to Springfield & got some Lcions of Mr. Ely. Very hot. mercury stood at 94 deg. in the shade but perhaps the ? had heated the clapbords a little.
18 Grafted 34 Apple Trees, Number from 1 to 35. Very warm the Mercury on the back side of the house stood at 86 deg. -- The ground dry.
19 Very cold, very windy. N. W. fire on the mountain on Mrs. Moseley’s farm.
20 Cold.
21 Warm. 22 Warm Smokey. Mr. Perry of Easy Windsor died.
27 Exchanged youth Mr. Bless & preached at West Suffield.
A very day dry Month. a warm month. The Spring forward.

May 1783
1 The Joiners finished the work at my House 58½ days work. at 3/6 per day. 4 £ for board. 8 ct per week.
7 In Westfield was kept a day of rejoicing for Peace. Preach L Lecture from PH 5:16
8 Visitavi. at night a refreshing Showers of rain Lieut. Hart Given Trouble chosen not by ? Freemen Mr. Stiles preached the Sermon.
10 A P.M & an evening a very refreshing Rain.
11 Mr. Robinson preached for me.
14 A refreshing rain.
15 State Fast
18 Preach for Ma at Montgomery & Mr. Ballantine preached at for Westfield.
20 Preached a Lecture at Charles Keats
23 A very refreshing thunder Shower.
24 Mr. Holcomb finished plastering my Chambers.
27 Mr. Dewey began to hoeing Corn. Visitavi.
29 Preached a Lecture at Stephen Harrison’s
26 Mr. Jorwand & his Son & Mr. Hensdale tarried with me over night.
28 My mother came, going to Deerfield & 30 left me.
But little rain this Month. Few? blgs arms.

June 1783
6 Damp day, a little rains. Set lable plans?
7. Small thunder Shower in the evening
8 Some small Showers.-- But ground feel? very dry
12 Vif pere
13 Ground very dry till now. A refreshing Shower.
14 A hard thunder Shower.
15 Two hard thunder Showers.
20 Hard Thunder Shower. A young Man, -- Willeston killed at West Springfield.
21 Shower about Sunset.
22 Preached to young people (a Large Assembly.) and a third Sermon on the Mountain at Mr. Day’s
23 Ico?wses came to School.
28 A very hot week past. Home lot mowed. Groupsnot
29 Very hot. Preached a third Sermon on the Icur? at Mr. Lee’s. ground dry
30 A plentiful Shower in the evening. Vis. ?
A very hot month. Specially the latter part --Corn forward. --Small crop of grape.
A month in which Seriousness prevailed in the Town.


Atwater, Noah


Westfield Athenaeum Archives, Atwater Collection

Is Part Of

Atwater's 1783 Diary p.11 - 22


Original File Size: 4 x 6.75 in.
300 DPI


A.P. 1.2, "Atwater, Rev. Noah - 1783 Diary"

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Atwater, Noah, “Rev. Atwater's 1783 Diary p.1-10,” Edwin Online, accessed March 9, 2025,

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