Rev. Atwater's 1783 Diary p.11-22
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Rev. Atwater's 1783 Diary p.11-22
Collection of personal and natural notes written in correspondence to month.
July 1783
1 Cooler. Cloudy & a little rainy. preached a Lecture at Southwick.
3 Clover now Mr. Clap mowed my clover
3 Ingersoll came to School. began to study
5 At night a plentiful rain.
4 Mather began to study
11 Owen came to School
10 Association at Mr. Jorwands. Mr. Robinson preached, and came home with me.
11 Mr. Tracey preached a Lecture for me.
12 A very great rain & the afternoon & Evening thunder.
13 My Brother came
13 Preached a Lecture at Eber Eglestons.
15, 16, 17 Very hot. mercury without the allowance 92 deg.
18 My Brother preached a Lecture in the Meeting House.
23 Mr. Stebbins preached a Lecture for me.
24 Went to Northampton & to Mr. Lymans at Hatfield.
27 Notification
29 Preached a Lecture at Widow Eglestons. Rom. 3.19,20
30 Preached a lecture in meeting House. Great rain P.M.
31 Preached a Lecture at Noah Tishcley’s southampton.
A fruitful month.-- A good harvest.
A Month of concern in the Town, A month in which many were seriously inquiring what they should do to be saved.
August 1783
3 Exchanged with Mr. Jorwand. John Root’s child died.
4 Attended the funeral.
6 Went to Association at Southampton Mr. Emerson preached. -- Let the children of Zion be joyful in their King Ps. 149
7 Preached a Lecture M. House.
8 Preached a Lecture at Ebenezer Fowler's. Deacon Shepherd died. -- Hard thunder Eve. 1st work at Mr. Claps.
9 Preached a Sermon at the meeting House. The Corpse present.
13 Mr. Gaylord preached a Lecture for me
14 Preached a Lecture at Stephen Harrison’s.
15 Went to a fast at Salmon Brook where were ten ministers & candidates. Elula Eppson died.
16 M
17 Mr. Channing preached for me.
19 Went to Northampton.
20 Mr. Jorwand preached a Lecture for me
21 Catechized the children. ^had 127 A.M 53 P.M.68^ --also afterward explained it to the young people
24 Very hot
25 A terrible thunder Storm. Hail & violent winds in many places, a very great shower. Struck three places in Westfield
27 Mr. Catlin preached a Lecture for me
28 Preached a Lecture at Mr. Days on the Mountain.
September 1783
2 Went to Northampton. A frost at night
3 Mr. Bascom preached a Lecture for me. A great frost at night. Rotted all of gardens.
5 I Preached a Lecture for Mr. Lathrop.
7 Mr. Greenough preached for me.
8 Went from Westfield to my Father's
9 Went to New Haven. & presented Phelps who ?entered?
10 Attended Commencement
11 Returned to My Fathers
12 Went to Mr. Robinson’s & slept with him
13 Returned to Westfield
15 At night Medad Fowler & Ravisa Falley were married.
16 Mr. Robinson & Miss Sophia Moseley were married
17 Preached a Lecture in the Meeting House
18 John Married Joseph Willard of Norwich & Luvana of W Loomis of Westfield
23 Went to Northampton. Vis----
24 Mr. Barker preached a Lecture for me.
25 Preached a Lecture at Mr. Barlow’s in Granville-- At night Mr. Barker preached a Lecture at Wm. Sackets
26 Preached a Lecture for Mr. Jorwand
29 Went to my Brothers at Northbury
30 Preached a Lecture at Harrington.
October 1783
1 A very rainy day. Went from Mr. Perry’s to Mr. Fowler’s.
2 Returned home. Married Dr. Whitney - as Robert Lindsey -- and Aaron French
3 Preached a Lecture at --Remington’s Proverbs. 6. 9.
7 Went to Association at Mr. Ives (Misson)
8 Preached the Association Lecture. Eph. 3.15. & returned to Mr. Brecks. - a Great rain at Night.
9 Returned home & preached a Lecture in the Meeting House.
10 Went to Northampton
13 Mr. Walker moved from my house to Mr. Leo
15 My Brother came. Preached a Lecture
16 Was married. -- My Brother preached at Ebez. Eglestons
17 Returned home with my Brother
18 A very rainy day. & a very great rain at night, all night.
19 A rainy day. Some Snow. A great flood.
20 Cold. At night husked my corn.
21 My Brother left me & returned to Branford
22 A night a very great rain, which together with the snow that thawed at a distance made a very Great flood. -- and a very great one in Connecticut River. –Saw floods so high together was very remarkable.
26 Mrs. Judd died.
27 Mrs. Judd was buried. Mr. Strong preached the Sermon. -- Went to Northampton
29 Returned
30 Preached a Lecture. At night a hard thunder storm. Very extensive hard thunder Storm.
November 1783
2 Received a Present, a piece Lawn Bunch together with other work from Miss. Pynchon --She presented a frame silk while Pocket ?? before
4 Preached a Lecture at Mr. Samson I/Fincontas? Luke 16.29
5 Preached a Lecture an ?aten roc Lettring? in the Meeting House. A circular Lecture Names? Smoke weather- a number of days.
6 Went to Montgomery & married Enos Stockwell & the widow Anna Carter.--And from thence went to Northampton. -- Receive of Mr. Root a present 12 Candles
7 Returned home.
8 Received a Present of Apples of Mr. Martindale
9 Very cold.
10 Mr. Bull & Mr. Clapp’s team went to Northampton for goods.
11 Returned with goods. Received a Present of a Cheese & 13 Candles of Col. Moseley.
12 Snowed over shoes. Went to Northampton.
13 Mr. Atwater moved. We settle Preserved Presents of fowls of Mr. Eadorh Buss. a Pound of Tea of Mr. Greene. Pickles of Mr. Clays?Clapp. Neeframes of Mr. Norse. Butter & of Mr. Emerson. Many things of Mrs. Mather. of Mr. Park glass ?lhoen? Rum Brandy & Wine to a considerable amount-- 12 of Mr. Naroz King a fat quarter of Mutton & some candles. 13 Butter of Mr. John Phelps.
14 Received of Mr. Atwater a present of a fresh piece of pork. -- of Mr. Drake a piece of fat Venison.-- of a piece of fresh Pork.
17 Received of Mr. Zachariah Bull a piece of salt pork -- of Mr. Martindale some apples
19 Catechized the children; had 27 A.M. 28 P. M. a cold and rainy day.
20 Preached a Lecture at Mr. Luke Phelps.-- Received a present of Mrs. Hannah Moseley of a fine worsted blouse-made Morsessy & a piece of Butter. --And a present of Mr. Samuel Fowler of about 8 Quarts of Brandy.
21 Received a present of Mrs. Ann Moseley of some Butter.
22 At night Mr. ? Nobles Farm House was burnt very cold
26 A Church draft at Westfield. Mr. Ivoward preached. At night received a present of a piece of bread at Deacon Root?
27 At 25 Preached a Lecture at James Ghis’
28 or 27 Received a present of Mr. John Phelps
December 1783
1 Received a present of Mrs. Ann Mosely of a Sparerib
2 Received of Sergeant Stiles a Present of a Sparerib. and a piece of Pork of Mr. Martindale of Widow Ann Moseley ??
3 Received a Large Cake of butter of Doctor Ashley and suet.
4 Received Donum of Mr. Wm. Ashley a piece of port, of the Widow Ann Moseley a pair of Miltings.
5 Received Donum of Mr. Clap 10 Candles.
6 Received Donum of Mr. Israel Moseley some b & a cake of butter & some suet.—and of Col. Moseley a spareib.-– 5 of Miss Pynchon a Quire of Paper.
8 Donum of Mr. Ballantine a piece of beef -– of Mr. Solomon Root a piece of pork -–of Mr. Strickland 40 nails. -– of Mr. Jonathan Rogers a Sparerib & some turnips & potatoes.
9 Donum of Doc. Mather of a piece of Pork & cake of Butter
10 Donum of from Col. Moseley of two fowls. of Doc. Whitney a Turkey. -– of Mr. Baldwin 3 fowls and a cake of Butter. – of Capt. Taylor a fowl a cake of butter & 6 eggs — of Mr. Z. Bush a fowl.— of Ensign Ingersol piece of beef, cake of butter, & beef suit.—of Mr. Moses Bagg two fowls cnimbark & quinces. -– of Dr. Whitney 9 eggs. Of Col. Shepherd a fowl & a piece of pork.
--- Went to Capt. Lymans/Kings & married his daughter.
11 Thanks Continental Thanksgiving very pleas?is
12 Donum of Mr. Wright of some Onions. A thaw which cdined off nearly all the snow.
15 Donum of Doc. Mather a pail full of Lays
17 Donum of Mr. Z. Bush of a piece of fresh meat. Of Mr. Morse of a Sparerib.—Preached a lecture.---Mr. Wm. Lyndon & Mr. Parker slept here.
19 Donium from Mrs. Pynchon two cakes of Chocolate – of Mrs. Moseley Lydia Moseley a pail of soap.
20 Cold. Snowed in severity of appcurances when it snowed or just before. It began like lighting a number of times.
22 Donum of Mr. Clap a piece of beef.
24 Donum of Mr. Joseph Root Junior of a piece of beef
23 Donum of Mr. John Phelps a cake of butter
18 A snow fell about 6 Inches. Cold after it good Sleighing.—Don. Of Mr. Zac. Bush Sausages
24 A Lecture on the Meeting House very cold.
28 A very cold Sabbath
30 A wood day. 29 loads brought. Donum of Mr. Aaron King piece of beef, & a piece of pork.
31 A very Snowy day. Preparatory Lecture
July 1783
1 Cooler. Cloudy & a little rainy. preached a Lecture at Southwick.
3 Clover now Mr. Clap mowed my clover
3 Ingersoll came to School. began to study
5 At night a plentiful rain.
4 Mather began to study
11 Owen came to School
10 Association at Mr. Jorwands. Mr. Robinson preached, and came home with me.
11 Mr. Tracey preached a Lecture for me.
12 A very great rain & the afternoon & Evening thunder.
13 My Brother came
13 Preached a Lecture at Eber Eglestons.
15, 16, 17 Very hot. mercury without the allowance 92 deg.
18 My Brother preached a Lecture in the Meeting House.
23 Mr. Stebbins preached a Lecture for me.
24 Went to Northampton & to Mr. Lymans at Hatfield.
27 Notification
29 Preached a Lecture at Widow Eglestons. Rom. 3.19,20
30 Preached a lecture in meeting House. Great rain P.M.
31 Preached a Lecture at Noah Tishcley’s southampton.
A fruitful month.-- A good harvest.
A Month of concern in the Town, A month in which many were seriously inquiring what they should do to be saved.
August 1783
3 Exchanged with Mr. Jorwand. John Root’s child died.
4 Attended the funeral.
6 Went to Association at Southampton Mr. Emerson preached. -- Let the children of Zion be joyful in their King Ps. 149
7 Preached a Lecture M. House.
8 Preached a Lecture at Ebenezer Fowler's. Deacon Shepherd died. -- Hard thunder Eve. 1st work at Mr. Claps.
9 Preached a Sermon at the meeting House. The Corpse present.
13 Mr. Gaylord preached a Lecture for me
14 Preached a Lecture at Stephen Harrison’s.
15 Went to a fast at Salmon Brook where were ten ministers & candidates. Elula Eppson died.
16 M
17 Mr. Channing preached for me.
19 Went to Northampton.
20 Mr. Jorwand preached a Lecture for me
21 Catechized the children. ^had 127 A.M 53 P.M.68^ --also afterward explained it to the young people
24 Very hot
25 A terrible thunder Storm. Hail & violent winds in many places, a very great shower. Struck three places in Westfield
27 Mr. Catlin preached a Lecture for me
28 Preached a Lecture at Mr. Days on the Mountain.
September 1783
2 Went to Northampton. A frost at night
3 Mr. Bascom preached a Lecture for me. A great frost at night. Rotted all of gardens.
5 I Preached a Lecture for Mr. Lathrop.
7 Mr. Greenough preached for me.
8 Went from Westfield to my Father's
9 Went to New Haven. & presented Phelps who ?entered?
10 Attended Commencement
11 Returned to My Fathers
12 Went to Mr. Robinson’s & slept with him
13 Returned to Westfield
15 At night Medad Fowler & Ravisa Falley were married.
16 Mr. Robinson & Miss Sophia Moseley were married
17 Preached a Lecture in the Meeting House
18 John Married Joseph Willard of Norwich & Luvana of W Loomis of Westfield
23 Went to Northampton. Vis----
24 Mr. Barker preached a Lecture for me.
25 Preached a Lecture at Mr. Barlow’s in Granville-- At night Mr. Barker preached a Lecture at Wm. Sackets
26 Preached a Lecture for Mr. Jorwand
29 Went to my Brothers at Northbury
30 Preached a Lecture at Harrington.
October 1783
1 A very rainy day. Went from Mr. Perry’s to Mr. Fowler’s.
2 Returned home. Married Dr. Whitney - as Robert Lindsey -- and Aaron French
3 Preached a Lecture at --Remington’s Proverbs. 6. 9.
7 Went to Association at Mr. Ives (Misson)
8 Preached the Association Lecture. Eph. 3.15. & returned to Mr. Brecks. - a Great rain at Night.
9 Returned home & preached a Lecture in the Meeting House.
10 Went to Northampton
13 Mr. Walker moved from my house to Mr. Leo
15 My Brother came. Preached a Lecture
16 Was married. -- My Brother preached at Ebez. Eglestons
17 Returned home with my Brother
18 A very rainy day. & a very great rain at night, all night.
19 A rainy day. Some Snow. A great flood.
20 Cold. At night husked my corn.
21 My Brother left me & returned to Branford
22 A night a very great rain, which together with the snow that thawed at a distance made a very Great flood. -- and a very great one in Connecticut River. –Saw floods so high together was very remarkable.
26 Mrs. Judd died.
27 Mrs. Judd was buried. Mr. Strong preached the Sermon. -- Went to Northampton
29 Returned
30 Preached a Lecture. At night a hard thunder storm. Very extensive hard thunder Storm.
November 1783
2 Received a Present, a piece Lawn Bunch together with other work from Miss. Pynchon --She presented a frame silk while Pocket ?? before
4 Preached a Lecture at Mr. Samson I/Fincontas? Luke 16.29
5 Preached a Lecture an ?aten roc Lettring? in the Meeting House. A circular Lecture Names? Smoke weather- a number of days.
6 Went to Montgomery & married Enos Stockwell & the widow Anna Carter.--And from thence went to Northampton. -- Receive of Mr. Root a present 12 Candles
7 Returned home.
8 Received a Present of Apples of Mr. Martindale
9 Very cold.
10 Mr. Bull & Mr. Clapp’s team went to Northampton for goods.
11 Returned with goods. Received a Present of a Cheese & 13 Candles of Col. Moseley.
12 Snowed over shoes. Went to Northampton.
13 Mr. Atwater moved. We settle Preserved Presents of fowls of Mr. Eadorh Buss. a Pound of Tea of Mr. Greene. Pickles of Mr. Clays?Clapp. Neeframes of Mr. Norse. Butter & of Mr. Emerson. Many things of Mrs. Mather. of Mr. Park glass ?lhoen? Rum Brandy & Wine to a considerable amount-- 12 of Mr. Naroz King a fat quarter of Mutton & some candles. 13 Butter of Mr. John Phelps.
14 Received of Mr. Atwater a present of a fresh piece of pork. -- of Mr. Drake a piece of fat Venison.-- of a piece of fresh Pork.
17 Received of Mr. Zachariah Bull a piece of salt pork -- of Mr. Martindale some apples
19 Catechized the children; had 27 A.M. 28 P. M. a cold and rainy day.
20 Preached a Lecture at Mr. Luke Phelps.-- Received a present of Mrs. Hannah Moseley of a fine worsted blouse-made Morsessy & a piece of Butter. --And a present of Mr. Samuel Fowler of about 8 Quarts of Brandy.
21 Received a present of Mrs. Ann Moseley of some Butter.
22 At night Mr. ? Nobles Farm House was burnt very cold
26 A Church draft at Westfield. Mr. Ivoward preached. At night received a present of a piece of bread at Deacon Root?
27 At 25 Preached a Lecture at James Ghis’
28 or 27 Received a present of Mr. John Phelps
December 1783
1 Received a present of Mrs. Ann Mosely of a Sparerib
2 Received of Sergeant Stiles a Present of a Sparerib. and a piece of Pork of Mr. Martindale of Widow Ann Moseley ??
3 Received a Large Cake of butter of Doctor Ashley and suet.
4 Received Donum of Mr. Wm. Ashley a piece of port, of the Widow Ann Moseley a pair of Miltings.
5 Received Donum of Mr. Clap 10 Candles.
6 Received Donum of Mr. Israel Moseley some b & a cake of butter & some suet.—and of Col. Moseley a spareib.-– 5 of Miss Pynchon a Quire of Paper.
8 Donum of Mr. Ballantine a piece of beef -– of Mr. Solomon Root a piece of pork -–of Mr. Strickland 40 nails. -– of Mr. Jonathan Rogers a Sparerib & some turnips & potatoes.
9 Donum of Doc. Mather of a piece of Pork & cake of Butter
10 Donum of from Col. Moseley of two fowls. of Doc. Whitney a Turkey. -– of Mr. Baldwin 3 fowls and a cake of Butter. – of Capt. Taylor a fowl a cake of butter & 6 eggs — of Mr. Z. Bush a fowl.— of Ensign Ingersol piece of beef, cake of butter, & beef suit.—of Mr. Moses Bagg two fowls cnimbark & quinces. -– of Dr. Whitney 9 eggs. Of Col. Shepherd a fowl & a piece of pork.
--- Went to Capt. Lymans/Kings & married his daughter.
11 Thanks Continental Thanksgiving very pleas?is
12 Donum of Mr. Wright of some Onions. A thaw which cdined off nearly all the snow.
15 Donum of Doc. Mather a pail full of Lays
17 Donum of Mr. Z. Bush of a piece of fresh meat. Of Mr. Morse of a Sparerib.—Preached a lecture.---Mr. Wm. Lyndon & Mr. Parker slept here.
19 Donium from Mrs. Pynchon two cakes of Chocolate – of Mrs. Moseley Lydia Moseley a pail of soap.
20 Cold. Snowed in severity of appcurances when it snowed or just before. It began like lighting a number of times.
22 Donum of Mr. Clap a piece of beef.
24 Donum of Mr. Joseph Root Junior of a piece of beef
23 Donum of Mr. John Phelps a cake of butter
18 A snow fell about 6 Inches. Cold after it good Sleighing.—Don. Of Mr. Zac. Bush Sausages
24 A Lecture on the Meeting House very cold.
28 A very cold Sabbath
30 A wood day. 29 loads brought. Donum of Mr. Aaron King piece of beef, & a piece of pork.
31 A very Snowy day. Preparatory Lecture
Atwater, Noah
Westfield Athenaeum Archives, Atwater Collection
Is Part Of
Atwater Diary 1783 p. 1 - 10
Original File Size: 4 x 7 in.
300 DPI
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A.P. 1.2, "Atwater, Rev. Noah - 1783 Diary"
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Atwater, Noah, “Rev. Atwater's 1783 Diary p.11-22,” Edwin Online, accessed March 9, 2025,