Rev. Atwater's 1784 Diary p.1-10

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Rev. Atwater's 1784 Diary p.1-10


Collection of personal and natural notes written in correspondence to month.

January 1784
1 Mr. Whitney moved. Snowed all day.
2 Snowed.
3 Donum from Dr. Mather a piece of beef
4 Present from of 2 decanter of wine
5 D. of Mr. John Weller a Sparerib.
6 Very rainy. D. of Major P. Pynchon of a Wheel.
7 D. of Dr. Ashley of Butter. of Mr. Samuel Fowler of flax a little flax.
8 D. Sugar from Mr. Parks.
9 D. from Mr. Z. Bush piece of beef
14 Association met at Mr. Lathrop’s.
D. from Lieu. Stiles cake of butter.
22 D. from Dr. Whitney of a Bass
23 D. from Mr. Taylor of a Sparerib.
21 Set out for Northampton but could not get there.
21 D. from Mr. Aaron Ashley of Candles.
25 Exchanged with Mr. Gray.
26 Preached a Lecture for Mr. Graham
27 Very Snowy
29 D. from Sargent Stiles of piece of beef
30 Mernay left us.
A very cold month.

February 1784
1 Mr. Whitney preached for me.
2 We Went to Northampton in a Sleigh
9 D. from Mr. John Phelps a piece of beef.
16 Set out for New Haven in a Sleigh. Slept at Mr. Robinsons.
17 Arrived at Branford.
18 My Brothers Ordination delayed ^des??ouand^ (Latin)
returned to N. Haven.
19 Went to Derby & Settled accounts.
20 Went to Chestace . Slept at Mr. John Atwater.
21 Arrived at Mr. Stebbins of Simsbury & kept Sabbath with him.
22 Westfield left destitute.
23 Returned home.
24 D. from Mr. Whitney a piece of beef
D. from Dr. Mather leg of Pork.
D. from Mr. Daniel Fowler piece beef
19 D. from Mr. John Atwater at New Haven about 3 Pounds of Tea
26 D. from Dr. Ashley piece of beef
28 D. from the widow Hannah Moseley of Cake of Butter.
A very cold Month.
A Winter uncommonly cold & uncommon for large quantities of Snow in the woods 7 on the mountains. --- Amazing quantities of Ice in the Rivers.

March 1784
2 Set out for Granby to attend the Council
4 Returned
5 Sacramental Lecture
6 D. from Mr. Z. Bush piece of Pork
8-13 Mr. Robert Noble D. of a Sparerib.
D. from Mr. Aaron King leg of pork.
D. from Mr. Roger bag Apples
D Widow Ann Moseley piece of Beef
8 Went to Chestare To Mr. Foots.
9 To N. Haven
10 To Branford to the Ordination of my Brother
13 Got home. Warm week.
15 ^Rain^ The Rivers broke up. Great flood. The rivers lined with Mountains of Ice.
16 D. from Mrs. Ann Moseley of dried Apples
24 D. Sausages from Mr. Solomon Weller.
D. from Mr. John Phelps piece of Pork & a cake of butter.
D. from Mr. Morse a piece of Pork.
D. from Mr. Martindale a piece of pork & a piece of beef.
26 D. from Mr. Z. Bush a piece of beef.
27 D. of Lieut. Bush doz. of eggs.
D from Mr. Whiple Mustard seed
28 D from Mr. Morse Sausages. Boys cut Wood. D. from Dr. Whitney 2 quarts of Rum.
3 D. from Mr. Simeon Stiles Leg of pork.
31 The young men cut wood. D. from Lieut. Moseley piece of Pork.

April 1784
1 Went to Springfield. ^ and ^ Snow on the far side of Mountains.
D. from Mr. Clap piece of Pork.
2 D. from Mrs. Parks bottle of Spring beer
D. from Mr. Luck Phelps leg of Pork.
D. from Mr. Grant parsnips.
3 D. from Col. Moseley piece of beef.
4 D. from Mr. Joseph Dewey turnips an potatoes
8 D. from Miss Pynchon doz. eggs & 2 nutmeg
D. from Mr. Grant piece cake of butter
D. from Mr. William Sacket a Sparerib
D. from ??????????
7 Lecture
9 D. from Mr. Bohan Kin a Cake of butter
15 Hale Fast. Martin Birds came.
18 Exchanged with Mr. Smith who was preaching for Mr. Breck.
19 D. from Dr. Mather cake of Butter
D. from Deacon Root Parsnips & piece of Pork. D. from Mr. Whitney Quarter of veal
20 D. from Col. Moseley 1/2 a cheese, a cake of butter & Suet D. from Mrs. Ballantine a cake of butter. -- D. from Doctor Ashley 2 doz. Eggs.
21 The Association meet here -- D. from Ensign Ingersol 2 quarts of Rum
D. from Lieu. Bush piece of Pork.
28 Had a Lecture. Sacramental
29 Fowler & Mather came to School.

May 1784
1 Ice all gone from Rivers. Very remarkably.
3 Preached a lecture at Capt. Sackets.
4 Set out for New Haven & slept at town
5 Did my business in N. H. & returned to town
6 Came Home. D. from Mr. Slap of salt shad.
7 Preached a Lecture at Sylvester Squires at Montgomery
8 D. from Lieut. Bush piece of Veal
10 D. from Deacon Root qt. of Maple Molasses
10 Shepherd came to School
10 Mr. Otis took my Cow to pasture.
11 Mrs. Atwater & Miss Pynchon went to Northampton--?? a Lecture.
14 I went myself.
15 We returned. D. from Mr. John Phelps pu Pork.
13 Had a Lecture at Mr. Harrison’s from Kings 18.21. M. Griswold chosen governor ????? Sebuty Province
16 Mr. Willard preached for me in the forenoon-- & Mr. Seal in the afternoon
18 D. from Mr. Bohan King a piece of pork. D. from Lieu. Bush a Shad. D. of Mr. Martindale a Shad. D. of Dr. Whitney piece of veal.
19 Mr. Well & his Lady came & tarried over night with us
20 D. from Lieu. Bush butter D. of Mr. Clap dried Apples & fruit.
21 D. from Mr. Aazernah of Est Pig.
23 Mr. Malttire kept Sabbath with me.
25 D. from Mr. John Phelps piece of ??al
Mr. Dwight came in the obenany & his Sister
26 D. from Deacon Root of piece of veal.
-- D. of Mr. Samuel Root of a Shad.
27 Lecture at Capt. Grays
29 Deacon Bally came & tarried over the night Sabbath
-- D. from Dr. Ashley of 40 or 50 been poles.

June 1784
2 Had a Lecture
3 Went to Mr. Roots at Montgomery The Locusts about coming out of the ground.
6 Ha a third meeting at Capt. Grays
7 Walker & Ashely came to School.
9 D. of Lieut. Stiles of a Pig
11 Mr. Day took a cow
13 Had a third Meeting at Mr. J. Rogers.
14 D. from Mr. Z. Bush of a piece of Veal
14 D. from Mr. John Phelps an Elegant Psalm Book – price 6/.
16 Had a Lecture Corn hoed Second time. – Col. Shepherd plowed ??? land.
17 Had a green pease.—Bees Swarmed & returned. – Married Samuel Dcan and Mary Weller.
19 Bees Swarmed & were hived
22 Lecture at Daniel Nobles, Baptized Sophia Noble D. of John & Lois Noble.
23 Went to Hartford & Northbury.
25 Returned. ?he very hot ? 25
24 & 25 Lot moved. Very hot. Dry
26 Very hot. Mercury at Hartford 101 deg. All hay got in.
28 D. from Dr. Mather piece of pork.
29 Clover moved.
29 Clover got in. Sold one Load to Mr. Whitney & -- and one to Mr. Clap.
30 Sacramental Lecture

July 1784
1 Mr. Hotchkiss came tarried over night- Bees Swarmed 2nd time.
2 D. from Dr. Mather piece of Veal.
4 Preached a third Sermon at Southwick at the funeral of Warcon Pease.
6 Lecture at Montgomery, at Malerys
D. of Mr. John Phelps piece of veal
7 Catechized the Children . A.M. 39 P.M. 57
13 Preached a Lecture at Eldad Palmers
14 Picked a Cucumber. – A great Shower of rain after a drought of four or five weeks. – Hail storm at Northampton. Did much damage.
15 Tobacco was set out.
16 A great shower of rain.
19 Pack to L. Mather 30/. Part of the note due.
27 Dined at Ensign. Ingersol’s with Ensign Brimbank & Lady
28 D. from Ensign. Ingersol piece of veal.

August 1784
3 D. from Mrs. Thomas Noble piece of veal
--- went to Ensign Ingersol’s work Northampton Company
6 D. from Dr. Ashley ¼ of Mutton
15 Exchanged with Mr. Bascom,
22 Preached at Springfield for Mrs. Breck.
26 Air filled with flies ^or little Insects ^then moths from North to South
29 D. piece of Butter from Widow Ann Moseley.
31 Preached Lecture at W. Suffield. A terrible thunder Storm.


Atwater, Noah


Westfield Athenaeum Archives, Atwater Collection

Is Part Of

Atwater's 1784 Diary p.11 - 19


Original File Size: 4.5 x 6.75 in.
300 DPI


A.P. 1.2, "Atwater, Rev. Noah - 1784 Diary"

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Atwater, Noah, “Rev. Atwater's 1784 Diary p.1-10,” Edwin Online, accessed January 23, 2025,

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