Rev. Atwater's 1787 Diary p.11-22
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Rev. Atwater's 1787 Diary p.11-22
Collection of personal and natural notes written in correspondence to month.
July 1787
1 At night rained 0,10 of an inch
1 The communion postponed till the real Sabbath
2 & 3 Sowed buckwheat & rye
2 Very hot. Had three Swarms of bees. The tree Swarmed /.3 boxes & board weighed 16 lb. Bees weighed 3 3/4 lb. = 19 3/4. Placed them at No. 7 -- No. 8 Swarmed a second time 2 boxes & bossed weighed 14 lb. the bees weighed 3 1/4 = 17 1/4 lb. Placed them at No. 1. -- No. 10 Swarmed a second time the hive & board weighed 13 lb. the bees weighed 3 lb.= 16 lb. Placed them in the new ? House
3 placed a box weighing 6 lb. under the first Swarm No. 5 which together with the other boxes weighed 27 1/2 lb.
2 Mowed the home lot Rained 0,2
10 Corn hoed a fourth time - low
11 Went to Long Association at Longmeadow. Mr. Williard preached. Thunder show at night 0,2 Inch.
12 Bees Swarmed ^ which was from^ the first swarm from the hive & put into the board hive, which weighed with the board 17 lb. the bees weighed 2 1/2 = 19 1/2
14 Put a box under the double swarm boxes weighing 6 1/2 lb.
14 The tree swarmed a 2nd time were ? into a log hive. the hive & board weighed 24 lb. the bees weighed 2 1/ lb.= 26 1/ lb. were placed at the west end of the new hive.
13 At night a very bright Aurora extend south of the Zenith.
-- D of Dr. Whitney piece of fresh meat
-- D of Mr. Silas King piece of a roaster
15 Preached on the mountain at Mr. Enoch Loomis after the exercises In the town
16 Rained .,10 of an Inch. -- Cooley came to School
17 Took a box of honey a second time, took 19 lb. of honey & returned the box
22 Preached on the North Farms after eqin? Was in town. A thunder shower and in some places considerable hail. And another shower in the night the rain including both 0,84. The ground dry before.
23-- D of Capt. Bush piece of fresh meat
24 Put wn addition to Mr. Dewey's little hive weighing 4 1/2 lb. these together with the 16 lb. .? Weight before = 20 1/2
24 Took a box from the hive No. 12 full of honey took 17 3/4 lb. Returned the box
-- D of Mr. John Phelps piece of veal
-- D of Maj. Whitney piece of veal
25 Rained from 5 o'clock P.M. To 9 o'clock 2,4 Inches
27 Went to Mr. Lathrop's. Rained 0,05 Inch
27 Took a box of honey from No. 8 Took 11 3/4 returned ? 2 box
27 Put a box under No. 3 weighing 5 1/2 oz? whole = 31 9/4 lb.
28 Rained 0,15 of an Inch
29 Preached fourth week. Exchanged with Mr. Clinton baptized Rolan Juas?
August 1787
2 & 3 Sowed turnips in garden
4 Cut off carrot tops
6 Rained 0,05
7 Rained 0,7
10 Rained 0,74
10 At night a thunder shower, rained 0,68
15 Rained 0,38
16 Went to on the mountain
17 Lucy was born
17 At night 6 18 in morning, rained 0,48
18 Bought a cow and calf of Mr. Enoch Loomis and gave 6:0:0 Paid down 48/ in cash.
19 Lucy w My daughter Lucy was baptized.
20 & 21 Rained -- 3,15 Inches
23 Went to Mr. Tracey's at Norwich
21 Catechized the children had 57
20 Fowler came to school after an absence of 4 about 40 days
28 & 29 Rained 1,45 -- Mowed carrot tops
29 Sacramental Lecture preached by Mr. Clinton
23 A large Meteor in the N. East. The blaze to appearance about bigness of hat crown in the clear open air?- The direction of it nearly in the direction of the Sun rays at this season of the year or a month later at 11 o'clock in the forenoon-- The wind was N.W. -- It extended a considerable distance witness the blaze leaving a smoke behind it. -- It vanished I should judge when it had defended to within about 15 or 20 degrees from the horizon.-- The I saw I saw it myself and had a full view of, --A. -- The smoke descended? by it appeared like a small cloud-- and was visible more than a quarter of an hour, I observed the time by my watch. -- The Meteor appeared about 4 o'clock A.M.
September 1787
1 Before day in the morning Mr. Dean's Grist Mill too fire and burnt down at the place called Weller Mill. -a new Mill & a very costly one.
4 - Mowed rowen in the home lot.- an sowed mescellen at M in the lot of Mr. Nobles
5 Rained 0,14 of an Inch
-- Subscribed to pay 40/ give 40/. To the owner of cM
8 Sowed rye adding the messellin- and cut Honks
10 Got in all the my rowen, and stacked my Honks- Rained 0 0 4 0,04
10 At night, settled with Mr. Dewey for the bees which I took of him.-- bought his part in the three hives and gave him 24/.
11 At night rained 0,24
14 Rained 0,4
16 My wife died. A Sudden & affecting Death.
18 She was buried. The corpse was carried to the meeting house and a sermon preached by Mr. Joseph Lathrop from Ecc. 7.4. The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning. The Assembly was great.
16 In the morning considerable frost ^the first
17 In the morning considerable frost
-- D of Mr. Zechariah Bush piece of fresh meat
-- D of Mr. Bohan King sparib
-- D of Mr. John Phelps 2 fowls suet and Sugar
-- D of Capt. Bush 2 pieces of fresh meat
-- D of Dr. Mather 2 fowls Biscuit & Pie
-- D of Mr. Morse piece of fresh meat
-- D of Mr. John Atwater Butter & Cake
-- D of Dr. Whitney bottle of cherry rum &
-- D of Mr. Saln Samuel Fowler bottle of cherry rum &c
-- D of Mr. A Maj. Whitney
18 At night & Rained 4,7 Inches
26 Rained 0,54
21 Paid to Mr. Freeman 6/. For his con nosy?
October 1787
--- D of Major Whitney piece of fresh meat
6 Rained 0,1 of an Inch
10 Went to Westfield to Association and preached the Lecture. A particular thoughtfulness in that place.
11 Went to Northbury.
12 Went to Mount Carmel to Mr. Perry's.
13 Went to my Fathers
14 Preached at Carmel half the day
15 Went to my Brothers at Branford
16 Heard Dr. Wals preach a Lecture at Branford
17 Returned as far as Mr. Robinson's.
18 Returned home
21 Rained -- 0,14
24 Went to Blandford atd attended the ordination of Mr. Badger. Mr. Day preached from I have no man like minded &c
-- D of Lieut. Moseley piece of freshmeat
-- D of Mr. John Atwater piece of veal
25 Went to North Farms & married Luke Moor & Luyehorn Rodgers.--In the evening married Frederick Fowler & Miriam Moseley.
25 Set a cow to Mr. Ichabod Lee for the term of three years. The calf which __ summered up here is to return to me at zh from the present time. And the calf which he takes with the cow I have summered and he is to return it to me at three years and from the last Spring.-- the He took the cow 27th day.
--- D of Mr. Silas King piece of fresh meat
--- D of Capt. Z. Bush piece of fresh meat
29 Atwater came again to School after he had been absent from about the middle of July.
27 Rained 1,0 0,1 of an inch
29 Rained 0,17 of an inch
29 Atwater went from School
31 Preached Sacramental Lecture
November 1787
1 Preached a Lecture at Justice Loomis
5 & 6 Gathered carrots
6 Catechized the Children had A.M. 12 P.M. 29
7 Preached a Lecture at the mountain at Daniel Nobles
13 Preached a Lecture at Ruben Adam
-- D of Mr. Samuel Fowler piece of beef
15 & 16 Rained 1,34
20 & 21 Rained. 2,1
22 Went to Granville & preached a Lecture at Capt. Cooley's. An Awakening at that place.
22 Rained 0,15
-- D of Mr. Zed. Bush piece of freshmeat
-- D of Mr. J. Morse piece of freshmeat
-- D of Col. Moseley 1/2 a cheese & suet
-- D of Mr. Aaron King 2 pieces of fresh meat
-- D of Capt. Z Bush piece of freshmeat & fowl
-- D of Mr.John Phelps Suet
-- D of Gen. Parks fr wheat flower
-- D of Mr. Ebenezer Fowler piece of fresh meat
-- D of Gen. Shepherd a fat Turkey
-- D of Maj. Whitney a fat Turkey
29 Stat Thanksgiving
30 Preached a Sermon in the meeting house at the funeral of Mr. George Phelps and Mr. Caleb Clark. Caleb Clark died Nov.28 as ?aitt his head stone in the Old Cemetery. He had just Graduated from Yale College.
December 1787
-- D of Dr. Whitney Sparib
3 Ransford Allen came to live with me
7 A trifle of snow
7 Preached a Lecture at Mr. Carter's at the funeral of his child.
10 Weighed bees
12 Coe came to School
11 Preached a Lecture at Widow Eunice Sacket's
14 Preached a Lecture at Abijah Owens
-- D of Mr. Z. Martindale piece of fresh meat
-- D of Mr. Joseph Root piece of fresh meat
19 Preached a Lecture at the funeral of Cavn's Owens at the funeral of his child which was burnt.
19 Snowed 4 Inches 3 1/2 Inches. The first^snow
21 Killed hog which weighed 233 lb.
23 Snowed 12 Inches
27 Snowed 1/2 an Inch
30 Snowed 1/4 of an Inch
-- D of Mr. John Phelps piece of fresh meat
-- D of Deacon Root piece of fresh meat
Runsford Allen went to School the first week 3 days 2nd week 4 days. 3W 1/2 about the 3rd week he was at home the other half he went to school excepting half a day.- the fourth week he went to school excepting half a day.
July 1787
1 At night rained 0,10 of an inch
1 The communion postponed till the real Sabbath
2 & 3 Sowed buckwheat & rye
2 Very hot. Had three Swarms of bees. The tree Swarmed /.3 boxes & board weighed 16 lb. Bees weighed 3 3/4 lb. = 19 3/4. Placed them at No. 7 -- No. 8 Swarmed a second time 2 boxes & bossed weighed 14 lb. the bees weighed 3 1/4 = 17 1/4 lb. Placed them at No. 1. -- No. 10 Swarmed a second time the hive & board weighed 13 lb. the bees weighed 3 lb.= 16 lb. Placed them in the new ? House
3 placed a box weighing 6 lb. under the first Swarm No. 5 which together with the other boxes weighed 27 1/2 lb.
2 Mowed the home lot Rained 0,2
10 Corn hoed a fourth time - low
11 Went to Long Association at Longmeadow. Mr. Williard preached. Thunder show at night 0,2 Inch.
12 Bees Swarmed ^ which was from^ the first swarm from the hive & put into the board hive, which weighed with the board 17 lb. the bees weighed 2 1/2 = 19 1/2
14 Put a box under the double swarm boxes weighing 6 1/2 lb.
14 The tree swarmed a 2nd time were ? into a log hive. the hive & board weighed 24 lb. the bees weighed 2 1/ lb.= 26 1/ lb. were placed at the west end of the new hive.
13 At night a very bright Aurora extend south of the Zenith.
-- D of Dr. Whitney piece of fresh meat
-- D of Mr. Silas King piece of a roaster
15 Preached on the mountain at Mr. Enoch Loomis after the exercises In the town
16 Rained .,10 of an Inch. -- Cooley came to School
17 Took a box of honey a second time, took 19 lb. of honey & returned the box
22 Preached on the North Farms after eqin? Was in town. A thunder shower and in some places considerable hail. And another shower in the night the rain including both 0,84. The ground dry before.
23-- D of Capt. Bush piece of fresh meat
24 Put wn addition to Mr. Dewey's little hive weighing 4 1/2 lb. these together with the 16 lb. .? Weight before = 20 1/2
24 Took a box from the hive No. 12 full of honey took 17 3/4 lb. Returned the box
-- D of Mr. John Phelps piece of veal
-- D of Maj. Whitney piece of veal
25 Rained from 5 o'clock P.M. To 9 o'clock 2,4 Inches
27 Went to Mr. Lathrop's. Rained 0,05 Inch
27 Took a box of honey from No. 8 Took 11 3/4 returned ? 2 box
27 Put a box under No. 3 weighing 5 1/2 oz? whole = 31 9/4 lb.
28 Rained 0,15 of an Inch
29 Preached fourth week. Exchanged with Mr. Clinton baptized Rolan Juas?
August 1787
2 & 3 Sowed turnips in garden
4 Cut off carrot tops
6 Rained 0,05
7 Rained 0,7
10 Rained 0,74
10 At night a thunder shower, rained 0,68
15 Rained 0,38
16 Went to on the mountain
17 Lucy was born
17 At night 6 18 in morning, rained 0,48
18 Bought a cow and calf of Mr. Enoch Loomis and gave 6:0:0 Paid down 48/ in cash.
19 Lucy w My daughter Lucy was baptized.
20 & 21 Rained -- 3,15 Inches
23 Went to Mr. Tracey's at Norwich
21 Catechized the children had 57
20 Fowler came to school after an absence of 4 about 40 days
28 & 29 Rained 1,45 -- Mowed carrot tops
29 Sacramental Lecture preached by Mr. Clinton
23 A large Meteor in the N. East. The blaze to appearance about bigness of hat crown in the clear open air?- The direction of it nearly in the direction of the Sun rays at this season of the year or a month later at 11 o'clock in the forenoon-- The wind was N.W. -- It extended a considerable distance witness the blaze leaving a smoke behind it. -- It vanished I should judge when it had defended to within about 15 or 20 degrees from the horizon.-- The I saw I saw it myself and had a full view of, --A. -- The smoke descended? by it appeared like a small cloud-- and was visible more than a quarter of an hour, I observed the time by my watch. -- The Meteor appeared about 4 o'clock A.M.
September 1787
1 Before day in the morning Mr. Dean's Grist Mill too fire and burnt down at the place called Weller Mill. -a new Mill & a very costly one.
4 - Mowed rowen in the home lot.- an sowed mescellen at M in the lot of Mr. Nobles
5 Rained 0,14 of an Inch
-- Subscribed to pay 40/ give 40/. To the owner of cM
8 Sowed rye adding the messellin- and cut Honks
10 Got in all the my rowen, and stacked my Honks- Rained 0 0 4 0,04
10 At night, settled with Mr. Dewey for the bees which I took of him.-- bought his part in the three hives and gave him 24/.
11 At night rained 0,24
14 Rained 0,4
16 My wife died. A Sudden & affecting Death.
18 She was buried. The corpse was carried to the meeting house and a sermon preached by Mr. Joseph Lathrop from Ecc. 7.4. The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning. The Assembly was great.
16 In the morning considerable frost ^the first
17 In the morning considerable frost
-- D of Mr. Zechariah Bush piece of fresh meat
-- D of Mr. Bohan King sparib
-- D of Mr. John Phelps 2 fowls suet and Sugar
-- D of Capt. Bush 2 pieces of fresh meat
-- D of Dr. Mather 2 fowls Biscuit & Pie
-- D of Mr. Morse piece of fresh meat
-- D of Mr. John Atwater Butter & Cake
-- D of Dr. Whitney bottle of cherry rum &
-- D of Mr. Saln Samuel Fowler bottle of cherry rum &c
-- D of Mr. A Maj. Whitney
18 At night & Rained 4,7 Inches
26 Rained 0,54
21 Paid to Mr. Freeman 6/. For his con nosy?
October 1787
--- D of Major Whitney piece of fresh meat
6 Rained 0,1 of an Inch
10 Went to Westfield to Association and preached the Lecture. A particular thoughtfulness in that place.
11 Went to Northbury.
12 Went to Mount Carmel to Mr. Perry's.
13 Went to my Fathers
14 Preached at Carmel half the day
15 Went to my Brothers at Branford
16 Heard Dr. Wals preach a Lecture at Branford
17 Returned as far as Mr. Robinson's.
18 Returned home
21 Rained -- 0,14
24 Went to Blandford atd attended the ordination of Mr. Badger. Mr. Day preached from I have no man like minded &c
-- D of Lieut. Moseley piece of freshmeat
-- D of Mr. John Atwater piece of veal
25 Went to North Farms & married Luke Moor & Luyehorn Rodgers.--In the evening married Frederick Fowler & Miriam Moseley.
25 Set a cow to Mr. Ichabod Lee for the term of three years. The calf which __ summered up here is to return to me at zh from the present time. And the calf which he takes with the cow I have summered and he is to return it to me at three years and from the last Spring.-- the He took the cow 27th day.
--- D of Mr. Silas King piece of fresh meat
--- D of Capt. Z. Bush piece of fresh meat
29 Atwater came again to School after he had been absent from about the middle of July.
27 Rained 1,0 0,1 of an inch
29 Rained 0,17 of an inch
29 Atwater went from School
31 Preached Sacramental Lecture
November 1787
1 Preached a Lecture at Justice Loomis
5 & 6 Gathered carrots
6 Catechized the Children had A.M. 12 P.M. 29
7 Preached a Lecture at the mountain at Daniel Nobles
13 Preached a Lecture at Ruben Adam
-- D of Mr. Samuel Fowler piece of beef
15 & 16 Rained 1,34
20 & 21 Rained. 2,1
22 Went to Granville & preached a Lecture at Capt. Cooley's. An Awakening at that place.
22 Rained 0,15
-- D of Mr. Zed. Bush piece of freshmeat
-- D of Mr. J. Morse piece of freshmeat
-- D of Col. Moseley 1/2 a cheese & suet
-- D of Mr. Aaron King 2 pieces of fresh meat
-- D of Capt. Z Bush piece of freshmeat & fowl
-- D of Mr.John Phelps Suet
-- D of Gen. Parks fr wheat flower
-- D of Mr. Ebenezer Fowler piece of fresh meat
-- D of Gen. Shepherd a fat Turkey
-- D of Maj. Whitney a fat Turkey
29 Stat Thanksgiving
30 Preached a Sermon in the meeting house at the funeral of Mr. George Phelps and Mr. Caleb Clark. Caleb Clark died Nov.28 as ?aitt his head stone in the Old Cemetery. He had just Graduated from Yale College.
December 1787
-- D of Dr. Whitney Sparib
3 Ransford Allen came to live with me
7 A trifle of snow
7 Preached a Lecture at Mr. Carter's at the funeral of his child.
10 Weighed bees
12 Coe came to School
11 Preached a Lecture at Widow Eunice Sacket's
14 Preached a Lecture at Abijah Owens
-- D of Mr. Z. Martindale piece of fresh meat
-- D of Mr. Joseph Root piece of fresh meat
19 Preached a Lecture at the funeral of Cavn's Owens at the funeral of his child which was burnt.
19 Snowed 4 Inches 3 1/2 Inches. The first^snow
21 Killed hog which weighed 233 lb.
23 Snowed 12 Inches
27 Snowed 1/2 an Inch
30 Snowed 1/4 of an Inch
-- D of Mr. John Phelps piece of fresh meat
-- D of Deacon Root piece of fresh meat
Runsford Allen went to School the first week 3 days 2nd week 4 days. 3W 1/2 about the 3rd week he was at home the other half he went to school excepting half a day.- the fourth week he went to school excepting half a day.
Diary kept by Noah Atwater in the pages of an Almanack, topics include weather, trade, ministry, and life.
Atwater, Noah
Westfield Athenaeum Archives, Atwater Collection
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Atwater's 1787 Diary p.1-10
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AP 1.2, "Atwater, Noah Rev - 1787 Diary"
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Title; Courtesy of the Westfield Athenaeum 6 Elm Street Westfield, MA 01085.
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Westfield Athenaeum 6 Elm Street Westfield, MA 01085.
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Atwater, Noah, “Rev. Atwater's 1787 Diary p.11-22,” Edwin Online, accessed March 9, 2025,