Rev. Atwater's 1786 Diary p. 11-22
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Rev. Atwater's 1786 Diary p. 11-22
Collection of personal and natural notes written in correspondence to month.
July 1786
3. D. of Lieut. Bull piece of Veal.
3 42,05 Very smokey. Sun almost hid.
3 Ashley came to school.
5. Went to Capt. Cooley’s Granville
5 Took a box of honey from the hive which I took one May 22. Weight of the honey was 21 lb.
6 Took a box of honey from my small swarm, which weighed honey & box 22 ¼ lb. I took 8lb of honey & returned the box.
6 Lieut. Moseley took tow [sic] calves to pasture.
6 Mr. Dewey’s Hive of bees swarmed. The bees and board together with three boxes weighed 24 lb. about 16 lb bees.
7 Rained o,18 of an inch.
8 Rained 0,15 of an inch.
7 Picked a cucumber. – Paid to Mr. Samuel Fowler in last 104. the remainder of what was due for[erml]y low lot? of him.
9 Preached a Sermon at Mr. Hazzards on the Mountain after the Exercises in the Town.
12 The Association met at my House thirteen were present.
13 They left us
13 or 14 At night a small thunder shower ,0,10 of, an inch
16 Mr. Smith preached for me.
17 Mr. Ives tarried with me at night.
18 Began to reap my wheat. But rained some?
18 Rained 1. Inch
25 or 26 Went Preached a Lecture at Daniel Lee’s Southwick at the funeral of his grand child
30 Preached at Granville. Exchanged with Mr. Ells.
August 1786
2 Sowed turnips on the Lhebble ground, & alis Buckwheat.
2 -- Rained, 29 of an Inch.-- D. of Mr. L. Martindale piece of Mutton
9- R Had a Lecture Mr. Lyman luchidale presented Rained, 50 of an Inch.
-- D. of Mr. Aaron King piece of Beef.
6 A Small thunder Shower ,10 of an Inch
11 At night rained , 50 of an Inch
12 A thunder Shower ,25 of an Inch
13 At night and rained 1 Inch
14 Rained Continued to rain & rain 1,10 Inch more == 2,10 Inches
15 Went to Granville. A Meteor was heard
16 Mr. Boogne Installed at Granville Mr. Gaylord preached the Sermon
-- D. of Capt. Fowler 3 excellent Water Melons
-- D. of Lieut. Gad Root 1/2 dz. Pigeons
-- D. of Lieut. Bull Pigeons.
21 Went to the Ponds & married Bruasors Daughter
23 Rained 0,15 of an Inch.
23 In the Afternoon a remarkable thunder Shower, no very loud thunder but a violent wind. Broke considerable Glass in the Meeting House -- and broke down the large tree before the meeting house door and many Apple trees in the Town leveled fences &c. It began to rain exactly at 5 o’clock and rained twenty minutes & the rain that fell in that time was 1,70 Inches. -- It was remarkably dark.
26 Rained 1,50 Inch
27 Preached at Southwick. Exchanged with Mr. Taylor? Tyler.
29 Rained 0,30 of an Inch.
29 Catechized the children A.M. had 23
28 A small frost.
September 1786
-- D. of Gen. Shepherd piece of beef.
6 D. of Ensign Ingersoll a Roaster Pig.
5 at night rain is 0,20 of an Inch.
6 Mr. Marshal preached over the little River.
6 I preached a funeral Sermon at Widow Roots
-- D. Mr. Abel Whitney quarter of Mutton
12 Rained, perhaps 1½ Inch
11 Set out for N. Haven & arrived at My Fathers.
12 Went to the Town. ??ted John Ingersoll^ soka entend
13 Attended Commencement. and went to my Sister Lydias
14 Went to Branford with my Brother
15 Went a fishing on the salt water, & returned
16 One to my Sisters.
16 Went to Southington.
17 Preached at my Southington. Left ?? field desitute.
18 Went to Northbury. rained P.M. & at night a very great ^ & next morning rain perhaps 6. Inches
19 Went to West Simsbury
20 returned home -- D. of Capt. Fowler piece of fresh beef. -- D. of Mr. Abel Whitney quarter of Mutton
24 Mr. Aeshn preached for me.
13 Considerable frost at night
23 The frost through frost that kills the ^corn
27 Took Heifer from Mr. His. -- Killed her weight of the Quarters 312 356 lb. Hide 53 Tallow 80
weight of the Quarters 313 lb. Hide 53 Tallow 20 = 386 lb
28 Weighed bees
-- D. of Mr. for Strickland half a bushel of Peaches
26, 27, 28 The great Inauen??? agent the Superior Court at Springfield
A warm pleasant month.
October 1786
1 Very warm
3 A little showery. fresh S, Wind warm
4 showery. fresh S. wind warm
5 Short hard Showers & Sun shine between and at night a very rainy night & hard South wind. warm
6 Very hard rain in the forenoon. And about the middle of the Afternoon an the rivers were abnormally high. The water was about to the bank at Weller’s bridge The meadows covered. - All the bridges about us carried off. - At Sun Set when the water had fallen about a foot 4 people in a canoe raft from the hill at Oliver Ingersoll’s in the road all the way for to the hill at the Widow Taylor. Much damage was done. Apples, corn, pumpkins & fences were carried away. The rain which feel in all the Showery days was four inches & chiefly the last night & morning.- The Great river rose at the old lovely Bridge about 21 or 22 feet and 18 or 19 of them in 8 hours being from 7 o’clock A. M. to 4 o’clock P. M. - And the fall was almost fredden? as the rise.
10 Attended Association at Munson Mr. Howard preached?
16 D. of Mr. John Phelps piece of pork
17 Great Aurora. Red &c.
18 At night very great frost. - Many potato vienes & other things? green till now
25 Circular Lecture attended at Norwich. - Warm not mesout?
7 Fowler and Ashley left the School about this time?
25 D. of Lieut. Moseley piece of beef
27 D. of Col. Moseley piece of beef
20--27 Smokey days. warm. pleasant
27 Went to Southwick & preached a funeral Lecture at Meeting House. about death of a child?
29 Exchanged with Mr. Howard.
-- D. of Mr. Joseph Root Jr. piece of Beef
28 John, home a Calf from Lieut. Moselys
30 A Snow fell 5 inches. The water of it was 0,7 of an Inch
A very pleasant month.
November 1786
3 Mr. Joseph Strong Junior? preached for me at Sacramental Lecture.
3 It rained o,4 of an Inch
6, 7, & 8 gathered Carrots
7 Mr. Hadley took a Cow to keep two months
10 Rained 0,1 of an Inch
14 Catechized children had A. M. 28 P. M. 28
- D. of Lieut. Bush piece of pork
D. of Mr. Martindale piece of fresh meet * a bushel of turnips.
15 Rained 0, 1 of an Inch
17 snowed one Inch.
30 d. of Doctor Ashley piece of pork,
30 Bought of Cow and let her to Mr. Jacob Hoadley for three years. Paid in cash 40/.
20 Snowed 8? Inches.
20 Mr. Haddley returned Cow he Summered for me.
21 Recd. of Capt. Wm. Cooley for the board & Instruction? of his son in cash 48/.- before 15 lb of cheese at /6 & 15 lb of butter, at 1/6. & 24 lb of Mutton 6/.= 21/.
23 Preached thanksgiving at Turkey Hills.
22 Snowed last night 4 Inches very light Snow
- D. of Mr. Zadock Bush piece of Beef
- D. of Mr. Azdonah Mosely piece of beef
- D. of Mr. Bohan King Sparerib
- D. of Mr. John Phelps piece of Veal.
26 Mr. Taylor preached for me.
28 A remarkable cold day. Therm(mator) float all day at Hartford, at 10 deg.
29 Very cold. I made offers to Mr. R. Root respecting his Cow.
30 Went to Southampton. snowed in morning. 1/2 Inch.
29 Small Earthquake, about 2 o’clock P. M. and what is remarkable is that it was on the same day as there was one in 1783. Vid. se.
The month was pleasant till about the 20th. after the 20 severe winter weather.
December 1786
1 Mercury at 7 deg. above 0). 2 at 4 deg. - 8 at 2 deg. at Hartford
2 Thawed a little. Mr. Hoadly took calf.
-- D. of Deacon Dewey piece fresh meat
-- D. of Deacon Root Ditto.
-- D. of Mr. Thomas Noble ½ Sparib.
4 gathering for Snow from 4 o’clock Morning began to Snow about 3 o’clock P.M.
5 Snowed till about noon. a great Snow about 16 Inches
-- D. of Doctor Ashley piece pork
-- D. General Warram Parke piece of fresh Meat.
-- D. of Doc. Whitney, piece of fresh meat.
7 Mr. Ichabod Lee took my Cow to winter
7 Killed Calf. Quarter 15½ 18¼ 16½ -16½ .
8 Really ???????? ??????? gulselmus insqitive spit
- D. of Mr. Samuel fowler Barcelona Handkerchief price 8/. – D. Mr. piece of Pork.
9 Snowed all day about 12 Inches drifted much
11 Sister Jemima was married & moved. Thermometer 4 deg. Very cold.
12 D. of Lieut. Moses Dewey Pig for roasting.
12 Very cold. - Therm. - 21 deg. below (0).
13 A drifte of Snow & rain.-rain 0,2 of Inch.
12 Thanksgiving. Very pleasant. Thawed consider.
13 -- D. of Mr. Gen. Wm. Shepherd a fat Turkey
-- D. of Mr.. Aaron King piece of fresh meat, suit, and Butter- Cooley left School
-- D. of Col. Moseley two fowls & Suit
-- D. of Mr. L. Bush, piece of Veal.
14 Went to Southwick & married two Couples.
13 Cooley left the School. -
17 Foggy. A trifle of rain. - Foggy.
20 Circular Lecture was attended here. Mr. Williams married. I read the Address of the General Court to the people.
-- D. of Mr. John Phelps piece of fresh meat
-- D. of Lieut. Moseley. -
21 Yeamans came to School.
23 Warm. Rained ,30 of an inch – At night P. M. Snowed at night. - about 4 or 5 inches.
25 Cold. But pleasant.
26 Pleasant. - D. of Dr. Mather, piece of fresh meat.
27 Very pleasant. Sleigh was painted.
28 Preached a Lecture at Southwick and read the Address of the General Court to the people. Pleasant & warm the last week in the month.
The winter began early & remarkably Severe.- The year has been remarkable for Insurrection against government. - For a Flood Oct. 6. --For health--And there was a Small earthquake on the Nov. 29. on the same day as there was one Nov. 1783.
The following is a copy of a Request which I presented to the Selectmen.
To the Select me of the Town of Westfield.
I propose to relinquish five pounds of my last years Salary. I desire that with it you would favor the poor an those that in your judgement and in the greatest need. A number of considerations induce me to request that no public notice may be taken of this Small gratuity. The Sum which I relinquished the last year in the Same way the Town particularly noticed and returned their thanks for it. Tho; this was contrary to my expectations yet their readiness to attend to it, and their willingness to acknowledge it as a favor were pleasing to me.- And the respectful manner in which the acknowledgement of ti was made I retain in grateful remembrance, as well as the numerous instance of their kindness to me in other requests. The Same reading to acknowledge the trifling sum which I now propose to give I shall
July 1786
3. D. of Lieut. Bull piece of Veal.
3 42,05 Very smokey. Sun almost hid.
3 Ashley came to school.
5. Went to Capt. Cooley’s Granville
5 Took a box of honey from the hive which I took one May 22. Weight of the honey was 21 lb.
6 Took a box of honey from my small swarm, which weighed honey & box 22 ¼ lb. I took 8lb of honey & returned the box.
6 Lieut. Moseley took tow [sic] calves to pasture.
6 Mr. Dewey’s Hive of bees swarmed. The bees and board together with three boxes weighed 24 lb. about 16 lb bees.
7 Rained o,18 of an inch.
8 Rained 0,15 of an inch.
7 Picked a cucumber. – Paid to Mr. Samuel Fowler in last 104. the remainder of what was due for[erml]y low lot? of him.
9 Preached a Sermon at Mr. Hazzards on the Mountain after the Exercises in the Town.
12 The Association met at my House thirteen were present.
13 They left us
13 or 14 At night a small thunder shower ,0,10 of, an inch
16 Mr. Smith preached for me.
17 Mr. Ives tarried with me at night.
18 Began to reap my wheat. But rained some?
18 Rained 1. Inch
25 or 26 Went Preached a Lecture at Daniel Lee’s Southwick at the funeral of his grand child
30 Preached at Granville. Exchanged with Mr. Ells.
August 1786
2 Sowed turnips on the Lhebble ground, & alis Buckwheat.
2 -- Rained, 29 of an Inch.-- D. of Mr. L. Martindale piece of Mutton
9- R Had a Lecture Mr. Lyman luchidale presented Rained, 50 of an Inch.
-- D. of Mr. Aaron King piece of Beef.
6 A Small thunder Shower ,10 of an Inch
11 At night rained , 50 of an Inch
12 A thunder Shower ,25 of an Inch
13 At night and rained 1 Inch
14 Rained Continued to rain & rain 1,10 Inch more == 2,10 Inches
15 Went to Granville. A Meteor was heard
16 Mr. Boogne Installed at Granville Mr. Gaylord preached the Sermon
-- D. of Capt. Fowler 3 excellent Water Melons
-- D. of Lieut. Gad Root 1/2 dz. Pigeons
-- D. of Lieut. Bull Pigeons.
21 Went to the Ponds & married Bruasors Daughter
23 Rained 0,15 of an Inch.
23 In the Afternoon a remarkable thunder Shower, no very loud thunder but a violent wind. Broke considerable Glass in the Meeting House -- and broke down the large tree before the meeting house door and many Apple trees in the Town leveled fences &c. It began to rain exactly at 5 o’clock and rained twenty minutes & the rain that fell in that time was 1,70 Inches. -- It was remarkably dark.
26 Rained 1,50 Inch
27 Preached at Southwick. Exchanged with Mr. Taylor? Tyler.
29 Rained 0,30 of an Inch.
29 Catechized the children A.M. had 23
28 A small frost.
September 1786
-- D. of Gen. Shepherd piece of beef.
6 D. of Ensign Ingersoll a Roaster Pig.
5 at night rain is 0,20 of an Inch.
6 Mr. Marshal preached over the little River.
6 I preached a funeral Sermon at Widow Roots
-- D. Mr. Abel Whitney quarter of Mutton
12 Rained, perhaps 1½ Inch
11 Set out for N. Haven & arrived at My Fathers.
12 Went to the Town. ??ted John Ingersoll^ soka entend
13 Attended Commencement. and went to my Sister Lydias
14 Went to Branford with my Brother
15 Went a fishing on the salt water, & returned
16 One to my Sisters.
16 Went to Southington.
17 Preached at my Southington. Left ?? field desitute.
18 Went to Northbury. rained P.M. & at night a very great ^ & next morning rain perhaps 6. Inches
19 Went to West Simsbury
20 returned home -- D. of Capt. Fowler piece of fresh beef. -- D. of Mr. Abel Whitney quarter of Mutton
24 Mr. Aeshn preached for me.
13 Considerable frost at night
23 The frost through frost that kills the ^corn
27 Took Heifer from Mr. His. -- Killed her weight of the Quarters 312 356 lb. Hide 53 Tallow 80
weight of the Quarters 313 lb. Hide 53 Tallow 20 = 386 lb
28 Weighed bees
-- D. of Mr. for Strickland half a bushel of Peaches
26, 27, 28 The great Inauen??? agent the Superior Court at Springfield
A warm pleasant month.
October 1786
1 Very warm
3 A little showery. fresh S, Wind warm
4 showery. fresh S. wind warm
5 Short hard Showers & Sun shine between and at night a very rainy night & hard South wind. warm
6 Very hard rain in the forenoon. And about the middle of the Afternoon an the rivers were abnormally high. The water was about to the bank at Weller’s bridge The meadows covered. - All the bridges about us carried off. - At Sun Set when the water had fallen about a foot 4 people in a canoe raft from the hill at Oliver Ingersoll’s in the road all the way for to the hill at the Widow Taylor. Much damage was done. Apples, corn, pumpkins & fences were carried away. The rain which feel in all the Showery days was four inches & chiefly the last night & morning.- The Great river rose at the old lovely Bridge about 21 or 22 feet and 18 or 19 of them in 8 hours being from 7 o’clock A. M. to 4 o’clock P. M. - And the fall was almost fredden? as the rise.
10 Attended Association at Munson Mr. Howard preached?
16 D. of Mr. John Phelps piece of pork
17 Great Aurora. Red &c.
18 At night very great frost. - Many potato vienes & other things? green till now
25 Circular Lecture attended at Norwich. - Warm not mesout?
7 Fowler and Ashley left the School about this time?
25 D. of Lieut. Moseley piece of beef
27 D. of Col. Moseley piece of beef
20--27 Smokey days. warm. pleasant
27 Went to Southwick & preached a funeral Lecture at Meeting House. about death of a child?
29 Exchanged with Mr. Howard.
-- D. of Mr. Joseph Root Jr. piece of Beef
28 John, home a Calf from Lieut. Moselys
30 A Snow fell 5 inches. The water of it was 0,7 of an Inch
A very pleasant month.
November 1786
3 Mr. Joseph Strong Junior? preached for me at Sacramental Lecture.
3 It rained o,4 of an Inch
6, 7, & 8 gathered Carrots
7 Mr. Hadley took a Cow to keep two months
10 Rained 0,1 of an Inch
14 Catechized children had A. M. 28 P. M. 28
- D. of Lieut. Bush piece of pork
D. of Mr. Martindale piece of fresh meet * a bushel of turnips.
15 Rained 0, 1 of an Inch
17 snowed one Inch.
30 d. of Doctor Ashley piece of pork,
30 Bought of Cow and let her to Mr. Jacob Hoadley for three years. Paid in cash 40/.
20 Snowed 8? Inches.
20 Mr. Haddley returned Cow he Summered for me.
21 Recd. of Capt. Wm. Cooley for the board & Instruction? of his son in cash 48/.- before 15 lb of cheese at /6 & 15 lb of butter, at 1/6. & 24 lb of Mutton 6/.= 21/.
23 Preached thanksgiving at Turkey Hills.
22 Snowed last night 4 Inches very light Snow
- D. of Mr. Zadock Bush piece of Beef
- D. of Mr. Azdonah Mosely piece of beef
- D. of Mr. Bohan King Sparerib
- D. of Mr. John Phelps piece of Veal.
26 Mr. Taylor preached for me.
28 A remarkable cold day. Therm(mator) float all day at Hartford, at 10 deg.
29 Very cold. I made offers to Mr. R. Root respecting his Cow.
30 Went to Southampton. snowed in morning. 1/2 Inch.
29 Small Earthquake, about 2 o’clock P. M. and what is remarkable is that it was on the same day as there was one in 1783. Vid. se.
The month was pleasant till about the 20th. after the 20 severe winter weather.
December 1786
1 Mercury at 7 deg. above 0). 2 at 4 deg. - 8 at 2 deg. at Hartford
2 Thawed a little. Mr. Hoadly took calf.
-- D. of Deacon Dewey piece fresh meat
-- D. of Deacon Root Ditto.
-- D. of Mr. Thomas Noble ½ Sparib.
4 gathering for Snow from 4 o’clock Morning began to Snow about 3 o’clock P.M.
5 Snowed till about noon. a great Snow about 16 Inches
-- D. of Doctor Ashley piece pork
-- D. General Warram Parke piece of fresh Meat.
-- D. of Doc. Whitney, piece of fresh meat.
7 Mr. Ichabod Lee took my Cow to winter
7 Killed Calf. Quarter 15½ 18¼ 16½ -16½ .
8 Really ???????? ??????? gulselmus insqitive spit
- D. of Mr. Samuel fowler Barcelona Handkerchief price 8/. – D. Mr. piece of Pork.
9 Snowed all day about 12 Inches drifted much
11 Sister Jemima was married & moved. Thermometer 4 deg. Very cold.
12 D. of Lieut. Moses Dewey Pig for roasting.
12 Very cold. - Therm. - 21 deg. below (0).
13 A drifte of Snow & rain.-rain 0,2 of Inch.
12 Thanksgiving. Very pleasant. Thawed consider.
13 -- D. of Mr. Gen. Wm. Shepherd a fat Turkey
-- D. of Mr.. Aaron King piece of fresh meat, suit, and Butter- Cooley left School
-- D. of Col. Moseley two fowls & Suit
-- D. of Mr. L. Bush, piece of Veal.
14 Went to Southwick & married two Couples.
13 Cooley left the School. -
17 Foggy. A trifle of rain. - Foggy.
20 Circular Lecture was attended here. Mr. Williams married. I read the Address of the General Court to the people.
-- D. of Mr. John Phelps piece of fresh meat
-- D. of Lieut. Moseley. -
21 Yeamans came to School.
23 Warm. Rained ,30 of an inch – At night P. M. Snowed at night. - about 4 or 5 inches.
25 Cold. But pleasant.
26 Pleasant. - D. of Dr. Mather, piece of fresh meat.
27 Very pleasant. Sleigh was painted.
28 Preached a Lecture at Southwick and read the Address of the General Court to the people. Pleasant & warm the last week in the month.
The winter began early & remarkably Severe.- The year has been remarkable for Insurrection against government. - For a Flood Oct. 6. --For health--And there was a Small earthquake on the Nov. 29. on the same day as there was one Nov. 1783.
The following is a copy of a Request which I presented to the Selectmen.
To the Select me of the Town of Westfield.
I propose to relinquish five pounds of my last years Salary. I desire that with it you would favor the poor an those that in your judgement and in the greatest need. A number of considerations induce me to request that no public notice may be taken of this Small gratuity. The Sum which I relinquished the last year in the Same way the Town particularly noticed and returned their thanks for it. Tho; this was contrary to my expectations yet their readiness to attend to it, and their willingness to acknowledge it as a favor were pleasing to me.- And the respectful manner in which the acknowledgement of ti was made I retain in grateful remembrance, as well as the numerous instance of their kindness to me in other requests. The Same reading to acknowledge the trifling sum which I now propose to give I shall
Diary kept by Noah Atwater in the pages of an Almanack, topics include weather, trade, ministry, and life.
Atwater, Noah
Westfield Athenaeum Archives, Atwater Collection
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Atwater's 1786 Diary p.1-10
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AP 1.2, "Atwater, Noah Rev - 1786 Diary"
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Title; Courtesy of the Westfield Athenaeum 6 Elm Street Westfield, MA 01085.
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Atwater, Noah, “Rev. Atwater's 1786 Diary p. 11-22,” Edwin Online, accessed March 9, 2025,