Rev. Atwater's 1788 Diary-p.1-10
Dublin Core
Rev. Atwater's 1788 Diary-p.1-10
Collection of personal and natural notes written in correspondence to month.
January 1788
1 Took N.H. Paper No. 6g was the frost
3 Snowed 2 3/4 Inches
- D. of Mr.Samuel Fowler piece of freshmeat
- D. Dr. Mather piece of freshmeat
7 Snowed 5 1/2 Inches
7 Rained 0,2 of an Inch.
8 Attended Association at Mr. Mkinsklan I preached and preached the Lecture
10 D. of Deacon Root piece of Meat.
11 D. of Mr. Moseley piece of Meat
14 Went from home to My Fathers in a sleigh
15 Returned to Mr. Robinsons.-bought 4 hives of bees of him & agreed to give him five Pounds for them.
16 Returned home. snowed 1/2 Inch-
16 Rained 0,75 of an Inch
19 Snowed
19 & 20 Rained 1,9 Inch. - Trees remarkably loaded with ice. - Multitudes broken to pieces with the weight.
21 Paid 6.10 to mary Phelps
- D. of Col. Mosely Sparib
- D. of Mr. Simeon Thles piece of freshmeat
22 Snowed at night 5 1/2 Inches
24 Snowed at night 10 Inches
- D. of Deacon Dewey piece of Meat
27 Snowed 4 1/4 Inches
29 Rained 0,9 Inches
30 Mr. Isaac Clinton ordained at Southwick
31 Went to Springfield to see Mrs. Howard.
February 1788
2 D. of Mr. Z. Bush piece of Meant
3 At night rained 0,15 Inch
4 D. of Deacon Root 1/2 a cheese?
5 Extreme cold day
7 Conven This State convention adopted the Constitution
11 Rained 0,1 Inch, & thawed much
12 Very warm
13 Day for getting wood. Had three loads
-- D. of Mr. John Phelps piece of Meat
14 Snowed 2 1/4 Inches
16 Snowed 8 Inches
18 Raining ? Day
20 Preached a funeral Sermon at Captain Grays
-- D. of Mr. Aaron King.
- D. of Mr. John Phelps
- D. of Mr. Z. Bush
- D. of Doc. Mather.
28 Sacramental Lecture
27 Visited the Lower School
29 Moved my Babe Lucy from Mr. Whigoyles to Co. Taylors
March 1788
12 Atwater came to School.
- D.of Gen. Shepherd piece of fresh meat
- D. of Gen. Parks piece of freshmeat
- D. of Wm. Martindale.
13 Blue birds & blackbirds & Robins came
19 D. of Capt. Z. bush piece of freshmeat
18 Visited School in shepher lande-
18 Mrs. Howard died-
19 Visited School over the Great river.
19 Rained 2 Inches 2 Inches.-At night the great river at Weller's Mills fractured.
20 Went to Mr. Lathrop’s to attend Mrs. Howard’s funeral but would cross but put off ???cyon of the rivers
21 Went to Springfield and attended Mrs. Howard's funeral.- Mr. Lathrop preached.
- D. of Mr. Ebenezer Fowler piece of freshmeat
- D. of Col. Moseley piece of freshmeat
- D. of Mr. J. Phelps piece of freshmeat
- D. of Capt. Bush piece of freshmeat
22 D. of Lieut. Moseley Sparib
23 Rained ,0,15 of an Inch. The ground principally bare after it had been steadily covered about 3 months.
29 D. of Mr. Bohan King piece of freshmeat
- D. of Deacon Dewey Turnips
- D. of Mr. Oliver Weller piece of freshmeat
26 Went to Mr. Falley’s to converse on baptism?
25 Paid to Major Mather 1/3 for H. H. Paper
31 Randford Allen went home.
April 1788
1 Mr. Tremain took a hive of bees.
2 The young people came & cut all my wood, probably between 50 & 60 present?
3 Lucretia Otis came to live with us
- D. of Deacon Dewey cabbage heads
5 Rained 0,25 Inch
6 Martin Birds came
8 Rained 0,13 Inch
9 Association at Mr. Lathrop’s. Mr. Ives preached.
9 D. of Mr. J. Phelps piece of freshmeat
12 Sowed spring rye. Rained 0,2 Inch
14 & 15 Rained 0,3
17 State Draft
18 Rained 0,8
20 Exchanged with Mr. Hale
22 Preached a Lecture at Widow Elizabeth Noble’s
22 Rained 0,2 Inch
23 Mr. Whipple took away his cow
24 Preach a Lecture at Tuttle on the Mountain
- D. of Widow Ann Moseley piece of butter
25 Rained ,0,2 Inch
28 Rained 0,15 Inch
29 Lucretia Otis went home
30 Sowed flax
May 1788
June 1788?
1 Preached at West Springfield, and Mr. Badger preached at Westfield.
2 Bought of Capt. Tinker twelve sheep, five ewes, and seven lambs and paid him the money at 4/6 cash nine dollars in the whole one dollar of it was paid May 26, 1788.
2 Let to Mr. Joseph Badger of Blandford five twelve sheep, five ewes & seven lambs - weighing. As follows, the old sh Old sheep 82 1/2-85 9/4 66 3/4-74 3/4-80 1/4. The Lambs 31 1/2-29 1/4-29 3/4-32-22 3/4-29 3/4 598lb. In the whole for which he engaged to return double the weight at the end of four years.
-- D of Dr. Mather piece of veal
-- D of Mr. John Weller a Sparib
-- D of Mr. Martindale piece of fresh meat
-- D of Mr. John Well a Sparib
10 Low
10 Rained 1,1
11 Went to Chester & attended Circular Lecture & returned Mr. Tracey preached.
15 Preached on the Mountain after exercises in the Town
-- D of Mr. Z. Bush piece of fresh meat
17 Bagg came to School
17 Clover mowed & part of the home lot
16 The other part of the lot mowed
18 Rained
17& 18 & 19 Rained 0,45
19 D of Maj. Whitney piece of veal
20 D of Mr. Samuel Fowler piece lire of veal
19 Planted corn in the garden
22 Preached at the North Farms after exercises in the Town
23 Bees Swarmed No. 10 And put into a Large box hive weighing 23 lb. the board weighed 5 1/2 lb. the bees 4 1/alb. = 33 lb.
24 Had another Swarm from No. 8 was put into large box hive w. 33 lb. boards 3 lb. bees 6= 42
24 Got in all my hay
24 Catechized the Children A.M. 22 P.M. 33
25 Rained 0,2
28 Rained 4 6 5. This rain fell in about 27 hours.
30 Cooley went home- I preached a Lecture at Jonathan Thorpers Farm?
30 Bees No. 5 Swarmed & returned
30 The Widow Everton went from my house.
January 1788
1 Took N.H. Paper No. 6g was the frost
3 Snowed 2 3/4 Inches
- D. of Mr.Samuel Fowler piece of freshmeat
- D. Dr. Mather piece of freshmeat
7 Snowed 5 1/2 Inches
7 Rained 0,2 of an Inch.
8 Attended Association at Mr. Mkinsklan I preached and preached the Lecture
10 D. of Deacon Root piece of Meat.
11 D. of Mr. Moseley piece of Meat
14 Went from home to My Fathers in a sleigh
15 Returned to Mr. Robinsons.-bought 4 hives of bees of him & agreed to give him five Pounds for them.
16 Returned home. snowed 1/2 Inch-
16 Rained 0,75 of an Inch
19 Snowed
19 & 20 Rained 1,9 Inch. - Trees remarkably loaded with ice. - Multitudes broken to pieces with the weight.
21 Paid 6.10 to mary Phelps
- D. of Col. Mosely Sparib
- D. of Mr. Simeon Thles piece of freshmeat
22 Snowed at night 5 1/2 Inches
24 Snowed at night 10 Inches
- D. of Deacon Dewey piece of Meat
27 Snowed 4 1/4 Inches
29 Rained 0,9 Inches
30 Mr. Isaac Clinton ordained at Southwick
31 Went to Springfield to see Mrs. Howard.
February 1788
2 D. of Mr. Z. Bush piece of Meant
3 At night rained 0,15 Inch
4 D. of Deacon Root 1/2 a cheese?
5 Extreme cold day
7 Conven This State convention adopted the Constitution
11 Rained 0,1 Inch, & thawed much
12 Very warm
13 Day for getting wood. Had three loads
-- D. of Mr. John Phelps piece of Meat
14 Snowed 2 1/4 Inches
16 Snowed 8 Inches
18 Raining ? Day
20 Preached a funeral Sermon at Captain Grays
-- D. of Mr. Aaron King.
- D. of Mr. John Phelps
- D. of Mr. Z. Bush
- D. of Doc. Mather.
28 Sacramental Lecture
27 Visited the Lower School
29 Moved my Babe Lucy from Mr. Whigoyles to Co. Taylors
March 1788
12 Atwater came to School.
- D.of Gen. Shepherd piece of fresh meat
- D. of Gen. Parks piece of freshmeat
- D. of Wm. Martindale.
13 Blue birds & blackbirds & Robins came
19 D. of Capt. Z. bush piece of freshmeat
18 Visited School in shepher lande-
18 Mrs. Howard died-
19 Visited School over the Great river.
19 Rained 2 Inches 2 Inches.-At night the great river at Weller's Mills fractured.
20 Went to Mr. Lathrop’s to attend Mrs. Howard’s funeral but would cross but put off ???cyon of the rivers
21 Went to Springfield and attended Mrs. Howard's funeral.- Mr. Lathrop preached.
- D. of Mr. Ebenezer Fowler piece of freshmeat
- D. of Col. Moseley piece of freshmeat
- D. of Mr. J. Phelps piece of freshmeat
- D. of Capt. Bush piece of freshmeat
22 D. of Lieut. Moseley Sparib
23 Rained ,0,15 of an Inch. The ground principally bare after it had been steadily covered about 3 months.
29 D. of Mr. Bohan King piece of freshmeat
- D. of Deacon Dewey Turnips
- D. of Mr. Oliver Weller piece of freshmeat
26 Went to Mr. Falley’s to converse on baptism?
25 Paid to Major Mather 1/3 for H. H. Paper
31 Randford Allen went home.
April 1788
1 Mr. Tremain took a hive of bees.
2 The young people came & cut all my wood, probably between 50 & 60 present?
3 Lucretia Otis came to live with us
- D. of Deacon Dewey cabbage heads
5 Rained 0,25 Inch
6 Martin Birds came
8 Rained 0,13 Inch
9 Association at Mr. Lathrop’s. Mr. Ives preached.
9 D. of Mr. J. Phelps piece of freshmeat
12 Sowed spring rye. Rained 0,2 Inch
14 & 15 Rained 0,3
17 State Draft
18 Rained 0,8
20 Exchanged with Mr. Hale
22 Preached a Lecture at Widow Elizabeth Noble’s
22 Rained 0,2 Inch
23 Mr. Whipple took away his cow
24 Preach a Lecture at Tuttle on the Mountain
- D. of Widow Ann Moseley piece of butter
25 Rained ,0,2 Inch
28 Rained 0,15 Inch
29 Lucretia Otis went home
30 Sowed flax
May 1788
June 1788?
1 Preached at West Springfield, and Mr. Badger preached at Westfield.
2 Bought of Capt. Tinker twelve sheep, five ewes, and seven lambs and paid him the money at 4/6 cash nine dollars in the whole one dollar of it was paid May 26, 1788.
2 Let to Mr. Joseph Badger of Blandford five twelve sheep, five ewes & seven lambs - weighing. As follows, the old sh Old sheep 82 1/2-85 9/4 66 3/4-74 3/4-80 1/4. The Lambs 31 1/2-29 1/4-29 3/4-32-22 3/4-29 3/4 598lb. In the whole for which he engaged to return double the weight at the end of four years.
-- D of Dr. Mather piece of veal
-- D of Mr. John Weller a Sparib
-- D of Mr. Martindale piece of fresh meat
-- D of Mr. John Well a Sparib
10 Low
10 Rained 1,1
11 Went to Chester & attended Circular Lecture & returned Mr. Tracey preached.
15 Preached on the Mountain after exercises in the Town
-- D of Mr. Z. Bush piece of fresh meat
17 Bagg came to School
17 Clover mowed & part of the home lot
16 The other part of the lot mowed
18 Rained
17& 18 & 19 Rained 0,45
19 D of Maj. Whitney piece of veal
20 D of Mr. Samuel Fowler piece lire of veal
19 Planted corn in the garden
22 Preached at the North Farms after exercises in the Town
23 Bees Swarmed No. 10 And put into a Large box hive weighing 23 lb. the board weighed 5 1/2 lb. the bees 4 1/alb. = 33 lb.
24 Had another Swarm from No. 8 was put into large box hive w. 33 lb. boards 3 lb. bees 6= 42
24 Got in all my hay
24 Catechized the Children A.M. 22 P.M. 33
25 Rained 0,2
28 Rained 4 6 5. This rain fell in about 27 hours.
30 Cooley went home- I preached a Lecture at Jonathan Thorpers Farm?
30 Bees No. 5 Swarmed & returned
30 The Widow Everton went from my house.
Diary kept by Noah Atwater in the pages of an Almanack, topics include weather, trade, ministry, and life.
Atwater, Noah
Westfield Athenaeum Archives, Atwater Collection
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Is Part Of
Atwater's 1788 Diary p.11-22
Original File Size: 4.2 x 6.6 in.
300 DPI
300 DPI
AP 1. 2, "Atwater, Rev Noah - 1788 Diary"
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Title; Courtesy of the Westfield Athenaeum 6 Elm Street Westfield, MA 01085.
Westfield, Massachusetts 01085
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Westfield Athenaeum 6 Elm Street Westfield, MA 01085.
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Atwater, Noah, “Rev. Atwater's 1788 Diary-p.1-10,” Edwin Online, accessed March 9, 2025,